I've heard that Lantus and Levemir work in the same way (in their being long-lasting insulins). However, I was recently told that a side effect of Lantus can be weight gain while Levemir does not contribute to weight gain.
Have any of you made a switch from Lantus to Levemir or vice versa, and if so, may I ask why?
I currently take 20 units of Lantus along with Humalog for meals. I'm having a hard time losing that last stubborn 12 pounds to get to my idea weight, and although I follow a 1400 calorie/35g carb/25g sugar per day diet, I'm not losing any weight but rather starting to gain weight, which is a huge concern for me, since I've lost about 116 pounds over the past couple of years by following the diet I mentioned above.
My next followup appointment is February 27, and before I talk with my doctor about possibly making a switch to Levemir from Lantus, I'd like to hear your experiences and/or opinions. Thanks ahead of time!
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