just try to rotate your sites. I know I have my favorites (where I can get a good sample 99% of the time), but I resist and rotate anyways. That helps. I can't do testing on my arms. I've tortured myself to get it to work and could never get enough blood. I guess I just have thick skin!
I prefer to use only one finger -- my left pinky. It's full of tiny black marks. But that's fine. If they start to heal, I know that I haven't been testing as much. So it's sort of a check-and-balance system for me. :) Besides, you can show those off to your spouse for sympathy points. ;)
I've started using One Touch Delica, the needle is very fine and doesn't hurt at all. Im hoping that helps with all the pin marks in my fingers.
well it can be considered cool. its like ur part of some underground organization, and instead of tattoos, u have these weird dots on ur finger tips to identify one another!