So I haven't been on here in a while, school took up most of my time, had to pull up grades, stress, etc. I haven't been able to check my blood sugar in months!( I know, bad right) I haven't been able to get strips but I know my body well enough to know what going on. Lately I just don't want to eat anything because its been hot(Florida) but I mange to snack on fruit. Weigh loss progress isn't what I hoped but have been slowly working on it. I have a check up in July and I'm just hoping for the best. I have awesome, supportive friends now who help me watch what I eat and I love them so much for that! I hope everyone is doing well with managing their diabetes. OH! I plan on join the US Army when I graduate in 2014! Much love everyone! :)
Are you sure? I think that it's really important for people with diabetes to test their BG. There's a whole bunch of changes people w/ T1 go through (honeymoon) and T2 seems, at least from people's reports here, to change a lot too. The only way to see the change, or even that you're not changing, is to test and test some more. Weight loss can be hard too and can be very slow, keep at it.
Joining the Army is very ambitious!!