Leaving for vacation on July 3rd to Branson Mo

Well this is it this will be our first Full fledged family vacation. Prior to dx we felt the boys were just to young to really enjoy a vacation so we had never been after dx DH and I could never get vacation at the same time. Now finally we’re doing it!!! I am both excited and nervous, but I think we are ready. We are doubling up on all supplies, going to decrease lantus dose a little, have plenty of snacks, and I’m just about ready to pack clothes. Arrangments have been made for care of the pets. Well anyway all that baing said I just have this nagging feeling I’m forgetting something. Hmm hope its not to important!!

Have a wonderful time!! Our family leaves for DisneyWorld the 14th. We did Branson last year. My kids loved the go cart tracks! :slight_smile: