Hello to you all! I'm very impressed with how quickly everyone welcomes a newbie! I only joined
yesterday...and already 4 people have welcomed me!
Although I only joined yesterday...I've been in the ranks of the afflicted for about 30 years. Type 1 since I was 19 years young...yes, I'm almost 50 (I cant believe I've lived this long!) to all....dont misinterpret that last remark....I just have a host of other health "issues" as well. I am a stroke survivor (from 2005), I have epilepsy, hypertension, menieres disease, my wife is a breast cancer survivor...between the two of us weve practially run the gamut. We've started a non profit org for people who have to SUPPORT stroke victims and bc survivors, the site is currently under construction (stay tuned!). When it is done one will be able to download a book that I have written (with the help of my wife) about how to overcome incredible (alkmost unbelieveable) negetive 'things" and actually make it work FOR you. There will be a blog, and links to other sites that be of great help