....of other people's diabetes that is. I have a friend who is an RN and I really respect her knowledge. She's been my "advisor" on medical matters for nearly 30 years. So I was really shocked when I realized how little she knew about diabetes management! But it didn't surprise me as much when I realized that the whole medical profession is woefully out of date in their knowledge about diabetes!
So my friend's husband is Type 2 for several years. He takes oral meds and pretty much ignores everything else, eating very high carb. Just at Christmas time he was saying "not necessarily" when I told him he needed to be on insulin soon. So now his doctor at Kaiser has put him on insulin. (duh). But they've put him on NPH and no bolus. The husband is in denial and very happy there but my friend should know better. I told her NPH was an older form of insulin and copied a paragraph from Jennie's book about why it is inferior. I also mentioned basal/bolus with I:C ratio for dosing as the standard of care. But I realize that's all I can do is mention and that basically it is her husband and HIS diabetes and they are going to do what they are going to do. Frustrating. And maybe it shouldn't matter so much. I think maybe a part of me resents that I "have to" work so hard at diabetes management when other idiots just pop a pill and do what the DOC says. Hmmm. Sounds like my problem, huh?
I have another friend, Type 2 for many years who IS on basal/bolus but uses a sliding scale and doesn't measure his post prandials(!).I was surprised when he told me he was usually under 120 and then I realized that was BEFORE meals, not after! He says he just isn't willing to spend all that time writing logs "for his doctor". I tell him I don't do it for my doctor, I do it for me. Sometimes I think my friends, the ones with diabetes and certainly the ones without think I'm obsessed with diabetes. Do any of you have that experience?
Just some thoughts I've been having...and yes, I think I have some letting go to do. Time to say the Serenity Prayer!