Life is Good

My husband has been declared cancer free.
He must go once a month for checkups since one of the lymph nodes was positive.

It’s been a difficult winter for him and me but life is good once again.

Gas prices are to high for me to use my current gym so I joined one in my town. While it doesn’t have a pool it is a good gym and I’ve worked out 4 times this week.
My knees have stopped hurting imagine that :slight_smile:

My A1C is to high but I’m getting stricter with my diet and by the end of May with the exercise and weight loss I’m hoping to see a lower number than 6.8.

I’ve lost 12 lbs since last I checked in here.
I think the gout diet I now have to follow has helped my weight loss efforts.
No I’ve never drank it was red meat and other foods that caused it for me…
Plus if you have diabetes you have a greater chance of getting it.

Hope everyone has a great and wonderful day


glad to hear the good news! keep up the good work.

Thanks Marie :slight_smile: