Diagnosed in Summer 2012 with T2 diabetes. Fasting blood glucose was 8.6 mmol/L and HbA1c was 9.8%. Full blown diabetes was the verdict and the doctor prescribed metformin 2x 500mg per day (I monitored blood sugars and went to 1x a day in September). Decided to go on a strict (and difficult) diet and lost 30+ pounds. For a period of 3 months I was losing 2 pounds per week through changes to my eating. I was not exercising more than usual. I work in an office, sitting most days and not overly physically challenged.
For January: The home blood sugar tester shows my morning levels have been 5.3/4.2/5.2/4.6 mmol/L with random checks over the past two weeks. The HbA1c was checked earlier in the month and was 5.4%. I am still taking 500mg metformin 1x daily in the mornings.
I hope to stop metformin if I can lose another 10 pounds. For some reason I sense that last 10 is going to be the more difficult than the previous 30. I was at 220+ pounds in July 2012, now at 191. Is it possible or likely that someone can lose weight and, in the process, lose their diabetes (at least temporarily)?
I wish I could tell you that you could cure your diabetes through just losing weight, but sadly it is more complicated than that. Often the weight is a complication of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can cause your insulin to run high and your high blood sugars at the same time just pack on the body fat. So no, I don't believe your diabetes is cured. If you return to your old diet, your blood sugar will rise and diabetes will raise it's ugly head. That being said, I do believe that a good diet can make a world of difference in controlling your diabetes. And yes, I think that if you are lucky, you might be able to keep up the diet, get off your meds and control your diabetes for a while. Heck, maybe a long time. But in the end, what really matters is that you keep your blood sugar controlled. If you can do that with just diet great, but if you need meds, then that is ok too.
You can be well-controlled, but the underlying disease is still there. I'm a thin type 2. I'm 5'2" and have been as low as 102lbs since diagnosis, but I still have to watch my diet and can easily spike to 200+ if I have too many carbs.
Like everyone else says you cannot lose your diabetes but sometimes you can lose the meds. There is no guarantee that you can be med free but it's worth a try and there's a good chance it will work.
You will never lose your diabetes and treating it will be a life long thing. It may be as simple as maintaining a healthy weight(easier said than done)or it can become as complicated as taking multiple insulin injections a day, no one knows how far or how fast it will progress. The important thing is to keep up the fight because maintaining good control of your blood glucose will help slow down the progression.
It sounds like your doing the right things congratulations....most people change their diet and stop eating sugary foods lose some weight and there BG average drops, some even get back to normal ranges...this is generally called the honeymoon phase. If you can get your body fat down to nothing you could have a chance. You will literately have to run from it, I doubt sitting behind a desk will do the trick long term....don't get discouraged you have already seen that hard work will pay off.