Lost my insurance....about to loose my pump

Hey everyone, im a new memeber and i just wondered if anyone had any advice. My Hubby just lost his job so we lost our insurance, and thanks to the F$**$ out there that wont cover Type One, i cant get insurance in AR unless its thru a work. Ive come thru alot, and i dont want my A1C to sky rocket like it did a few years ago, i love my pump and im so upset i have to go back to lantus and humalog injections. Does anyone know of a place that will cover a Type One Diabetic?


I’m SO SORRY about your hubby losing his job. A thing we hear all the time now. I also SO SORRY about you losing your pump to insurance crapola. I can’t give you any advice or suggestions here, but I will pray for you.

Lois La Rose, Milwaukee, WI

You might try the Arkansas Health Risk Pool for the uninsured. As long as you have not had a lapse in coverage over a certain amount of time, you have a qualifying medical condition like diabetes, and you are ineligible to continue COBRA coverage or be covered under Medicare, you should qualify for coverage.

please check with http://www.insulin-pumpers.org/