In Massachusetts pot has been decriminalized, so if you are caught with less than an ounce of pot it's a fine and nothing goes on your record. In California, I believe they sell medicinal marijuana with a prescription which I am sure you can purchase from just about any doc with an "MD" after his name, regardless of what kind of MD he/she is.
correct same thing in colorado and i think like 14 or so other states
found this on a very shaky site otherwise known as wikipedia:
Laws vary by state, though state law is superseded by federal law which classifies cannabis as a Schedule I substance, the same classification as heroin. The United States Supreme Court has ruled in Gonzales v. Raich that the federal government has a right to regulate and criminalize cannabis, even for medical purposes.
it is so crazy that its classed the same as heroin!
We won't, EVER, all agree here. I think we CAN agree that we want everyone to be safe. The beauty of TuD is that one can get such a variety of opinions when there is a question.
Megasaurus, I hope your original question was addressed so that you can make your own, educated choice.
I don't feel my comment is out of place at all. I feel it is just as valid as yours or anyone else's here.
I'm worried that smoking pot or other drugs could cause a bad reaction for her and or bg unawareness, as they did in you apparently, and I wouldn't want to see that happen to her or to anyone with or without D. No matter what anyone says, we with D are potentially more vulnerable to reactions in this type of situation than other people are and I think we need to be super careful about that.
I don't feel the need for alchohol and pot to party though as they affect me badly and you can actually have a good time without them.
Personally I think causing a reaction in yourself which causes you to need to eat 80-100g of carb in order to try to relax yourself with pot or whatever isn't worth it. That would totally put my bg out of wack for a few days I'm sure now.
If you have cancer or you have severe nauseau/pain or other symptoms that need help and pot helps you with that, I think that is wonderful. Or if it just relaxes you or you like it and other meds don't and you need that and it helps and doesn't cause harm, then that's great too. In the case of mj I would advise to eat it though, not smoke it as it can damage your lungs over time and who knows what else.
And you do need to be VERY careful who you do this around and make sure someone is there to help you, and not harm you, if you need help.
I don't think she wants to try mj for a medical reason though or to relax but just for the experience maybe, so I would say just avoid it overall for those reasons because for me personally I could have not tried any of it and not missed a thing in my life. In fact I know I would never have been able to have managed all the things I have to manage now with D while high on pot and I never would have done it all if I had D then.
I can see why they've got you working for the state attorney, rather than the bureau of tourism. But seriously, I agree that DUI is terrible. Not because it is illegal, but because it is dangerous.
Many other things are perfectly legal (tobacco, alcohol, bath salts, asprin, etc), but kill a lot of people.
Hey there--
I started casually smoking with friends toward the end of college (was not on the pump then--hated it and went back to shots) and peaked with one particular friend during my MFA program the 2 years after. Words of advice based on my experience:
-ALWAYS be sure the people you're smoking with know you're T1. Everyone will be grateful for the information if anything comes up.
-I found, like others have mentioned, some strains would significantly raise my heart rate in the first 15 minutes. That would make me think I was dropping low, but my sugar would actually be fine. It's just that it's a similar symptom to hypo, so it can be unnerving. Just test as often as you like. It's the best way to stay on top of it.
-Munchies were really my biggest T1 killer. I experienced a good amount of highs while high... not because I didn't take a shot for my food, but because I then kept eating beyond what I thought I would. Then I'd have to correct. You should do your best to eat things that won't raise your sugar--yeah celery may not be it, but there are lots of options--beef jerky or nuts or something. Really the munchies for me were more about constantly chewing rather than feeling hungry. Even gum can be good if you need to cut yourself off.
-I did not see lows come a result of smoking. Same with highs. It didn't seem to directly affect my BG, but the things I did (namely eating) of course had an effect.
-When drinking heavily in college, I found I had much less control or interest in my blood sugar than when I was smoking weed, and eventually smoking became a preferred pasttime for this reason. You can be safe, but you have to really make the effort. It's easy enough to just enjoy the high and say-- I'll worry about my blood sugar in a couple of hours. At that point, you may be working to bring down a high number which, especially over time, is so not worth it.
I still say it's NOT WORTH THE RISK! I'm not a stick in the mud...I did my fair share of grass (ex flower child)!!! BUT I did not have diabetes back then.
You have too much on the line here!!
Personally I wouldn't, partly because I like to feel as a diabetic that I'm in control and partly because my son was diagnosed as having schizophrenia almost 20 years ago and he is convinced that it was caused by recreational use of hash (and not very often). An acquaintance of mine had the same experience but her son was a regular user. I know this is very controversial but it's worth thinking about. I'm not against it per se. My son was also diagnosed as having diabetes 3 years ago but that is not relevant, except in terms of his medication which is known as a possible causal factor. Naturally the fact that I am type 1 is relevant, which is a source of sadness for me, but not something I can change.
cp1943 please research the name
Dr Abram Hoffer +schizophrenia
Both you and your son would benefit from B vitamins. I use them intensively since I used them to completely overcome neuropathy in 2002-3 and I have read a few of Dr Abram Hoffer's books. I also had befriended two schizophrenic people in their 20s when I was in my late 20s and it was why I tried to get into medical school when I was 29, from leaving a career in banking with an MBA, so that didn't work out, but I have been helping a doctor I really like for his leanings toward alternative medicine because I believe so strongly in orthomolecular medicine.
The best way to learn from doctors is to buy their books as you can not learn much in short 10 minute doctor visits and besides which we are supposed to be our main care takers so we have to do the work and learn on our own, so please discover the many books mentioned on this site