May Topic: celebrating mothers

Mothers' Day is swiftly approaching, so it's a good time to celebrate moms! Are you a mom with diabetes? Do you HAVE a mom with diabetes? Are you the mom of a CHILD with diabetes? Let's share some stories, experiences, thoughts a celebration about being and having moms!

I'm a Mum (cause I'm an Aussie) with T1 diabetes. My boy, now ten years old is good at recognising if my BGLs are off-target so he helps to take care of me. I feel very fortunate to have such a supportive family, especially knowing that many don't... :)

Not only am I the mom of a diabetic child (she's 23 now diagnosed when she was 11) I'm also a grandma of 3 lovely children while I was diagnosed at 10 myself with D My kids (have 2) took good care of their mom when she went low (so far as my oldest daughter calling the paramedics when she was 3 b/c mommy was acting funnt) to my g-daughter now 5 calling them when she was 4. LOVE MY KIDS & G-KIDS!!! Without them I might not behere now.

I'm none of the above, but want to take this opportunity to say how much I admire and respect Type 1 women who deal with this time sucking condition at the same time as raising children (and maintaining careers, relationships, schooling, etc). As well as to moms who have all the responsibility, heartache and anxiety of having their children diagnosed with this condition. I have enough trouble taking care of this semi-retired single childless Type 1! You are all amazing!

I totally agree with what Zoe says about T1 moms and moms with T1 children. These folks are awesome. And for those that are doing double duty such as Doris D well there isn't a pedestal high enough.

Gary S

Thank you Gary & Zoe! I really didn't (and don't) see it as anywhere near doing a good job just look at it as doing what I'm suppost to do as a mom.

My mom taught me the phrase "when the going gets tough, put your head down and run forward". I love it and I'm eternally grateful to her for passing it along. (She also taught me "when the going gets tough, go shopping". I use both mottos often).

I was told "when the going gets tough the tough get going" Quote directly from my Mother...

I'm a mom with diabetes but the real heroines to me are the moms of the kids with T1 who do everything for their children with a mother's love. May you all have a wonderful Mother's Day. :)

My grand-maman had diabetes....we lost her to the complications. It's a red thread in our family....diabetes. I too have it, and our daughter has pre-diabetes. It's not easy being green as Kermit said!

I have a terrific Mum with type 2 di and i think she is a great support of me being a type 1 member and although she doesnt go on tudiabetes happy Mothers day for sunday hope it was/is great 2012

Though my mom doesn't have diabetes, she has been extremely supportive and caring about this issue with me. Has helped me out a great deal, probably more than anyone else. So I am definitely thankful and lucky.

Just saw this "YO MAMA BATTLE (of compliments)" video a little bit ago. Thought it was hilarious! (and well deserved for all yo mamas)

Hugs to all the moms in the TuDiabetes family!!!

I have posted my mom's (a T2) word of wisdom to me when I was 12 many times: "It could be worse. You could have everlasting diarrhea." Weirdly, they have been words I fall back to a lot--things could be much, much worse.

She was the best. She has been gone over 30 years (breast cancer in 1983) and I miss her everyday.

Neither of my parents had diabetes or anyone that we knew but still they ended up with 3 little Type 1's. I honestly don't know how(mainly Mom) managed to keep us going plus herself and my non-diabetic sister way back in the 50's and 60's. I appreciate her so much and my Dad cuz he worked hard.

We went to celebrate Mother's Day with her in the country, took her to her favourite restaurant, bought her groceries, went to the Mother's Day mass with her, surprised her with gifts and washed her car. She enjoyed the pampering. :)

I am a Type 1 for 51 years and I have 2 dear children who look after me and their Dad if we need help. We do appreciate them.

Wishing all Mom's of all kinds a belated Happy Mother's Day.

That was a loaded video. They must have reallllly awesome MaMa's. Thanks for the giggle Manny. :)

I'm a mother of a 3-year-old and a working mom (professor) and a type 1. I did well with blood sugar control (HbA1c 5.4%-6%) until my child came along (HbA1c went to 7-7.2% with MANY highs and 20 pounds gained). Exercise on-the-spur-of-the moment as well as regular exercise have fallen off my plate and so has eating as well as I used to. It's starting to get a little better though now that my boy is older and now that I don't feel so much pressure from my job. I'm determined to do better.

I came here for support when i was a new mom and was totally overwhelmed and was given no empathy, just advice to "Quit your job" so I haven't been back hardly at all. I wish there were more people who understood that parenthood is a huge job and diabetes is a huge job and throw in a high-stress outside employment job and I didn't do that great at handling it all. But things are looking up!!!! And I have a beautiful child and we'll make it, God willing.

I have a mother who has a son with diabetes...

My mom deserves a lot, if not all, of the credit for getting me up and running with diabetes. I honestly don't know how she did it, those first couple days. Right after my diagnosis, our family got hit with a nasty virus that boomeranged me back into the hospital and sent everyone else into bed.. except for Mom.

Three cheers for mothers!!

Hi Maria. I just don't understand why you found no empathy here at TuD; it's totally unusual. At any rate, I'm glad that things are looking up for you. I remember way back when I had little ones, was working and trying to find decent day care for them, and every thing in the world that could go wrong did in fact go wrong. Well, those days are over and I do believe that you will find support here now. Good luck!

This video is my new favorite thing ever.