I got so many wonderful replies when I posted my mother’s whine that I wanted to say thanks to you all - the support helps a lot, and the suggestions for respite care and caregiver.org are phenomenally useful. I’m the sort of person who tends to carry her loads (and other people’s as well) with a smile, so you know it’s tough if I’M bitching… but you all seem to know how to make me feel better. Probably because you’ve all walked in my moccasins many times. Love to you all!
I don’t think I made a comment to your struggle the other day but when I read it I though been there done that. See I’m A type 1 and my daughter is also a Type 1 though not as young as your son for eith of us. I took Type 1 at 10 and my Type 1 daughter took it at 11. Now for what i was thinking about saying then, I know it must really be hard having a toddler w/Type 1> I don’t know how you do it! Your a GREAT WOMAN!!! For now I’m just thankful that your here w/us.
You weren’t whining. Being a mother is the toughest job there will ever be. Being the mom of a diabetic little one is beyond difficult.
Hugs to precious Eric & his wonderful mother!