Medicare DEXCOM CGM coverage

@Ncguy I have Medicare and BCBS “Gap” insurance. I get my Dexcom supplies through ADS (Northcoast Medical) They took care of setting up the approval and were pretty quick about it. They just text me it’s time for a refill, I click yes and 3 months worth gets shipped to me. 10 sensors and 1 transmitter. Dexcom actually falls under DME through Medicare. So you might try contacting ADS.

Since transmitters actually last to 112 days, you have a small overlap that eventually will net you an extra transmitter. Plus if a transmitter ever fails before the 90 days Dexcom replaces it, you actually gain some time there too. But early on Costco had a deal on transmitters and I got one so I could have a back up that I cycle through because the battery doesn’t have a long life. But through Costco if you are a member and in their pharmacy program (free) you can buy a transmitter for $149 with a script. You can also restart Dexcom sensors for now and build a nest egg for any issues that might come up.