Medtronic "Lot 8" Quick-set infusion Set RECALL

Maybe most of you have been notified, but I thought I’d pass on this information. I just received a UPS package today with a new box of the Quick-set infusion set for my son’s pump. Along with that came a recall letter. Models MMT-396, MMT-397, MMT-398, and MMT-399 (Lots starting with 8) are all on urgent medical recall by Medtronic. They are replacing them if you have on or many. Here’s the website with the FAQ’s
Of course we have 3 packages and have been using them!! After reading the recall notice, it makes sense why he’s been insulin resistant with some of the sets. UGH!!!

Thanks for the info. I called MiniMed today, as I have two boxes (20 sets) of the affected lots. Because I get my supplies through a local distributor they could not help me, but referred me to the distributor (Liberty Medical). So I called Liberty. They had just been informed of the recall this morning and had not established a process yet to replace the infusion sets. The rep asked if I had other infusion sets I could use (and I do, because I just received a new order) , then added my name and phone number to a list they are building so they can notify me once they have a process in place to replace my two boxes.

Gerry, Have you had any problems with the Lot 8 sets? I hope it doesn’t take long to get your replacements.

I got mine today also. I replied online to let them know I am sending back 6 full boxes of infusion sets. They say they will send a new box every 3 weeks for every box that is returned. If you get them directly from minimed they give you a prepaid UPS shiping label.

Thank you Roulla & Johnny for the heads-up on this recall. This is the first I’ve heard that Medtronic was shipping defective quick-sets. It’s too bad they weren’t more proactive in notifying users like me that our diabetes mgt could be negatively affected by the supplies Medtronic ships to us.

Wow…I have MMT-397 and for the last 2 weeks my numbers have been in the 500"s which normally they are 140’s. For two days I changed my set 3 times and finally yesterday I was stable. I call my Doctor with my concern and he made some adjustments but we had no idea that there was a problem…thanks for the information. I will be contacting medtronic in the morning.

Not sure. I had about 4 days recently (I wear sets for 3-1/2 days) where I had trouble keeping my numbers above 70. This MAY be why!

My CDE said that Medtronic stopped shipping Lot 8s mid-June, and it was caught by an employee using the pump. Has something to do with the venting/flow of insulin, so not so noticeable, except highs!

Thanks a bunch for your post. I’ve got 4 boxes of the 8’s. Since I get mine through a supplier, I’ll call them tomorrow. Taking care of one another! This is a GOOD site.

Wow. I have 3 boxes in my closet. I recently switched over to the sils because I was having issues with no delivery alarms. I’m going to call them tomorrow to see if they will replace them with sils.
An email notice from them would have been nice. I never would have known if it wasn’t for this site!

Glad I checked this group today!

hi folks …FYI …there is another discussion going on TU …look it up …thanks : a MM person from Canada

Beware it can also come as lows. The venting issue causes a imbalance of air pressure in the res compartment. Bad news is if you change altitude you can suddenly get a bolus you don’t know happened. This is why they want us to stop using them until replacements arrive…

I had four infusion sets from lot 8 left. I assume that means I went through over three boxes of them already. I’ve had some unexplained highs, but can’t say if they are attributed to this issue. Haven’t heard anything from Medtronic corporate or my local rep about this recall. I sent off for a label and exchange. Thanks for letting us know.

Thanks for sharing this…I just checked my new supplies of 4 boxes and the 2 other I still had and they ALL are on the recall list…now I am mad as I only have a couple left and I was wondering why I have had so many problems with the sets either not staying in or breaking off

Thanks for the heads-up. I recently was away from home and had a lot more persistent highs than usual. I attributed it to the stress of packing and traveling. I’m sure that was a part of it but this may answer that problem.


Wow. I’m so glad I’m apart of this site, otherwise I would have never known about this! I just got a box of the recalled ones at the end of June and they didn’t put anything in the box saying that anything was recalled and I actually received a box of the recalled ones at that time. But I haven’t been having a problem with any of the sets. Maybe some unexplained lows, but nothing serious.

I started w/ the quick sets but quickly switched to sils, so I have 5 quicksets just sitting around. I called and they are sending me 6 sils in return- you just have to call.

I got my “free box” via UPS yesterday. I had 2 boxes left of the affected batch. I went online and submitted my info last night and my husband is stopping by the UPS store today to send back the “bad batch”…Stay safe everyone!

Kitty, you are not alone! I have had high readings for several weeks and have called Medtronics several times for help. They originally told me it was the way I was inserting the quickset and had me go through the process with them. It didn’t sound right since my reading have been perfect for months now. I went back to manual injections for a while to get everything under control and still the pump seemed to be having problems. I am extremely grateful that they figured out the problem, but I have to go in for my A1c this week and I know its going to be high because of this.

Thanks for the info. I will pass it on to my friend that is using the Quick-set.