So I was in Walmart with my boy friend and I had those short running shorts on, and I had just put on a new site and I put it on the side of my leg, so you could see the actual site cause my shorts didnt cover it and the lady behind me was asking me all sorts of questions. Then she said don’t worry they’ll find a cure, and I just agreed and went on. But have you ever just thought forget it, they won’t make a cure while I’m alive? Cause it sure don’t feel like a cure is close. Maybe it’s just me…
I'd rather be pessimistic about cures so I can be pleasantly suprised than optimistic and disappointed.
The way I look at it is just trying to live with how it is today and maybe think that before 1912 they would have died without insulin.... I am grateful ... insulin is not the cure but today its saving our lives.
I completely agree with acidrock. I don't see a cure coming any time soon anyway. This may sound weird but I'm so used to insulin now, I'll feel uneasy without it :P
I was told some thirty years ago that there would be a cure soon. I am considerably older than you, kelsey, and I don't see a cure any time soon. I would be rather surprised if there was because diabetes is so complicated.
I don't think you are wrong in feeling that way at all, and I think you handled your situation rather well.
Be well.
Brian Wittman
I don't think your wrong either Kelsey. I've been diabetic close to 30 years, and yes improvements in management have been made in that time frame, but I don't believe we are any closer to a cure today, than we were the day I was diagnosed, and you know what I'm ok with that. Like others have said I'd rather live for today with the tools we have available, be pessimistic about a cure, and IF it ever happens be plesantly surprised, than put all my hope and faith in something that may never happen, or if it does might not happen to benefit me. We have to live for today, not put life on hold or all our hopes waiting for something that may never happen. It's called acceptance, and diabetes becomes much easier to manage when one accepts they are diabetic,and strives to maintain the best health they can with what is available to us today. I'm not saying money and research shouldn't be invested into looking for a cure, but I'm not putting my life on hold waiting for that to happen. And furthermore, I think resources would be better spent on making sure EVERYONE who is diabetic has access to testing supplies, that these insulins were more affordable, that pump access should people wish to be on a pump and the supplies involved were more accessible and more affordable.
I agree, especially with the EVERYONE. I don't know if there are stats about what percentage of PWD's receive inferior or no treatment around the world (especially in developing countries) and what percent die from it. I consider myself an American on a somewhat limited income, but it's easy to forget how fortunate I am to have good insurance, to have internet access to be able to be on the DOC, and to have excellent treatment for my D. So many others around the world don't.
I'm with Maru. In those elusive search for "the cure," we forget that for diabetics in 1921, insulin was THE CURE. It was the thing that enabled them to stay alive rather than dying within weeks of diagnosis.
I don't really hope for or anticipate a cure at this point. The problem with T1D is that, in most cases, it is autoimmune, and dealing with autoimmune conditions is tricky. Immunity is a frustrating field because so little has been discovered that can stop that autoimmune process. And this is not just for T1 diabetes, but also for conditions like MS, Celiacs, Rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, lupus, etc. And then even if someone were able to stop the autoimmune process, there is the whole issue of restoring insulin production.
Personally, I just try to be thankful that I have access to insulin and some amazing technologies, technologies that my father (who was also a T1 and died very young) wasn't fortunate enough to see. I am thankful that I have insurance to access all these amazing things, a working refrigerator that keeps my insulin cold, and access to some of the best medical care in the country. I sincerely believe that there is no reason T1 diabetes has to be an obstacle in my life or life-limiting.
So when someone says something like this to me, I just reply, "A cure is pretty unlikely in my lifetime, but I do just fine anyway, thanks."
That is a great response MyBustedPancreas. And I totally agree there is no reason T1 diabetes has to be an obstacle or life limiting. Sure it can present some challenges somedays, but I think those challenges just make us stronger and more able to adjust and adapt to anything life throws at us.
I don't believe there will be a cure. No disease has ever been cured. Prevented, better treatment, but not cured. I hope there will be prevention for future generations.
No, it's not just you it's me too.
Meanwhile we will continue to live our lives and accept challenges as they come each day.
she probably couldnt think of any other "nice" thing to get out of the conversation! funny how people can just assume aahhh hunny its ok there will be a cure but right now you are dealing with it the best you can, people not affected by D have no clue about what is involved, but i guess she was just trying to be "nice"! you are doing a great job, yes a cure may come but no use banking on what may or may not happen, for now we must deal with reality and unfortunately a cure is not our current reality. best wishes amy
Agree Gerri.
I think time travel is more likely in my lifetime than a cure.
Why should the chronic disease industries cure the diseases that provide them with a great living? Not going to happen.
Why does plastic tubing and other pump supplies cost so much money? Think about the material and how much it costs to make all of it. Not that much. But look at the cost to the consumer!
Look at cancer research, which is extremely well funded. How many big advancements are there, really? How many incurable cancers of 50 years ago can now be reliably cured, for the most part? Check it out. Answer: children's leukemia-- due to one institute: St Jude's in Memphis. Period.
All kinds of diabetes have genetic roots so, even if they cure people who have it now, there'll be an endless supply of new people to be cured. Plenty of $$$ to go around....
Supplies cost as much because of lawyers.