More questions!

My dexcom is STILL on the fedex truck and will be delivered to me on Monday!!! I have already emailed the rep to schedule the class on getting started.

I re-watch the tutorial on the website and reading the manual that I know I'll be getting once the box arrives. But I do have a few questions that are confusing to me.

1) So each sensor pod comes with a new injector? Or do I reuse the same inserter?
2) When you shower, how do you deal with soap?? I just want to be sure I dont ruin the thing.
3) When you first start up the 2 hour process, you do 2 fingersticks readings at the same time? Or do you do the first than wait? I'm a bit confused about this even though I watched the tutorial and reading the PDF file.
4) the tutorial says the transmitter info has already been entered into the receiver, Should I check just to be sure its correct?
6) I noticed there is an events tab. Do you guys enter your carbs, and insulin info in there? What does this do in regards to CGMing?
7) It says to hear the 2 clicks. I am hearing impaired and not all sounds I can hear. So how will I know its safe to remove the plunger?
8) they suggest to use medical tape called Blenderm, where on earth would you find that??
9) where would be the best place to put all the sensors? It is saying in the manual to keep it between 36-77. My apartment building heating system makes it impossible to turn down. My average at is at 88 degrees. Its a building from the 1920s so it has its own heating system. But still want to know where should I keep them.
10) the memory is only 30 days. So every 30 days I should download the info so I have it then start over? How much info does the DM3 hold? The manual doesnt say and if it does, I must of missed it.

Thanks guys for answering more of my questions. I just can't wait to get the box on Monday where I can highlight important stuff, etc. Overall, can't wait to even get started!

  1. Yes, each sensor pack contains everything you need including the inserter
  2. Soap shouldn’t hurt anything. The transmitter is supposed to be ok under 3ft of water for 30 minutes
  3. You just do two in a row. There’s a good chance that the two readings will be different. I think the Dexcom just averages them
  4. Yes, check. Just go to Settings -> Transmitter Id
  5. ??
  6. I just enter insulin and only when it’s extra to bring down a high. I don’t bother with carbs, exercise, or health
  7. You’ll likely feel the two clicks even if you can’t hear them but it basically means push it all the way until it stops
  8. A lot of people here prefer Flexifix but even that’s only really needed if you want to go longer than 7 days
  9. 88 seems unbearable. Perhaps you could get a portable cooler and a bit of ice
  10. You can download as often as you like but, yes, I believe the receiver only can hold 30 days worth. All of the past data will be stored in DM3, not just the last 30 days worth.
  1. So each sensor pod comes with a new injector? Or do I reuse the same inserter?

Yes, it has a new injector. You do want to save them until you remove the sensor. The old packing had the serial number on but the new packaging (white label instead of green) has the serial number on the injector. If you have problems with your sensor and need to call Dexcom to get it replaced, they need those number so save the injector & packaging until you remove it.

  1. When you shower, how do you deal with soap?? I just want to be sure I dont ruin the thing.

I just wash around where it is and have never had a problem.

  1. When you first start up the 2 hour process, you do 2 fingersticks readings at the same time? Or do you do the first than wait? I’m a bit confused about this even though I watched the tutorial and reading the PDF file.

You have to put 2 finger sticks in close together. Until you put the 2nd one in, the Dex won’t work. Some peoople only test once and put that number in twice. I usually like to test twice to make sure my reading is accurate.

  1. the tutorial says the transmitter info has already been entered into the receiver, Should I check just to be sure its correct?

Yes, because otherwise, it won’t work. Mine was entered on my original receiver but I had to enter it for the replacement.

  1. I noticed there is an events tab. Do you guys enter your carbs, and insulin info in there? What does this do in regards to CGMing?

I did in the beginning but because I have the alarms going off, I quit doing it to try and save the battery some. When you look at your reports, you can see when you ate or took insulin in comparison to what your BS is doing. It is a nice feature, but I don’t use it.

  1. It says to hear the 2 clicks. I am hearing impaired and not all sounds I can hear. So how will I know its safe to remove the plunger?

I will let someone else help you on that because I always hear the clicks!

  1. they suggest to use medical tape called Blenderm, where on earth would you find that??

I have never heard of that one but I use Opsite Flexifix – I used that when I had the Navigator. Someone I knew told me about it. A bunch of us here also use it. I bought my last roll at American Diabetes Wholesale. Most people like the 4” but I bought the 2” because it was cheaper and it works for me!

  1. where would be the best place to put all the sensors? It is saying in the manual to keep it between 36-77. My apartment building heating system makes it impossible to turn down. My average at is at 88 degrees. Its a building from the 1920s so it has its own heating system. But still want to know where should I keep them.

I don’t have problems with heat but I did read someone hear say they were living someplace hot and they kept theirs in the fridge. You might want to call Dexcom and make sure that is OK. They have an 800 number and can be helpful.

  1. the memory is only 30 days. So every 30 days I should download the info so I have it then start over? How much info does the DM3 hold? The manual doesnt say and if it does, I must of missed it.

The software will hold a lot more than 30 days. I lost all mine when my computer crashed in Sep but I had 5 months when it crashed. Lesson for you: backup your data! I download more than once a month.

On point #10, the memory inside the receiver keeps around 2 months of data, in my experience. So you should download the data using the DM3 software and the USB cable every month or so just to be on the safe side. The DM3 software keeps data for indefinite time, the memory limitation is with the memory inside the receiver itself.

Your building heating systems keeps the temperature at 88? Must be a truly green building, huh? :smiley:

Ciao, Luca

Re storage of sensors. I called and spoke to Dex, as we conserve in the summer and the house gets near 85 for a good part of the afternoon, they said no trouble storing “in a closet.” Dex recommended to me not to store in the fridge. I was told the sensors are pretty "durable."
Re the clicks - I am not hearing impared, and a new user, but I already am beginning to “feel” the clicks. I will bet you will be able to do the same if you take your time when inseerting. The whole system is really stable and secure, and really not that hard to use if you take your time! I am much more comfortable with insertions though no where near being an expert!
One other hint that my Dex rep gave me (not Dex support) was to calibrate 3 to 4 times the first day - so that means the 2 finger sticks to begin, and then another 2 to 3 additional calibrations during the first day. She said that it allowed the Dex to get more use to your ups and downs, and she also recommended calibrating when your sugars are lower and also higher. Again, I am a new user, but it seems to help me get the Dex adjusted to my sugars a bit more quicker.
Good luck! I already am lost when I don’t have mine connected! I am loving it!

I have had my seven plus for just more than a year. I will share my experience. You have GOOD info above but another opinion/experience should not hurt. Best wishes.

Before your questions - one suggestion - Call tech support for ANY problem. You or your insurance pay for this!

  1. So each sensor pod comes with a new injector? YES
    Or do I reuse the same inserter? NO

  2. When you shower, how do you deal with soap?? I just want to be sure I dont ruin the thing.
    I put a piece of IV3000 dressing - a clear plastic sticky over most of my transmitter. It works like a rain shield and helps the tape last up to two weeks without falling out. FDA has Dexcom tell us the sensor should be changed every 7 days. The receiver tells us when to change sensors. Just restart it if you are comfortable.

  3. When you first start up the 2 hour process, you do 2 fingersticks readings at the same time? Or do you do the first than wait? I’m a bit confused about this even though I watched the tutorial and reading the PDF file.
    I do one poke and get two samples (two BGs). Put both in the receiver. It will then calculate how sweet you are . Do NOT do ONE test and enter it twice. There is a known variation between tests even from the same poke and vial of strips.

  4. the tutorial says the transmitter info has already been entered into the receiver, Should I check just to be sure its correct?
    Yes, I have had my transmitter more than one year. Tech support says they are good for 500 days from date the transmitter was built / sealed. Checking the transmitter number is a good practice for going through the receiver menu tree.

  5. I noticed there is an events tab. Do you guys enter your carbs, and insulin info in there? What does this do in regards to CGMing?
    I do not enter carbs and insulin. My pump does this for me. It is good to determine which foods cause a slow rise vs which cause BG to go straight up and then drop like a rock when insulin kicks in.

  6. It says to hear the 2 clicks. I am hearing impaired and not all sounds I can hear. So how will I know its safe to remove the plunger?
    You should also be able to feel these. The “clicks” are plastic fingers along the barrel of the insertion device locking to prevent a pull back of the plunger part of the insertion device.

  7. they suggest to use medical tape called Blenderm, where on earth would you find that??
    If you use a plastic dressing over a pump site, try this. Another option is to use 3M Transpore ™ paper tape around all four sides of the transmitter/sensor on your abdomen. Also, SCRUB your skin with an alcohol wipe until the alcohol is evaporated. This will remove dead skin cells and oily fats from your skin and make the sensor tape stick well. I also use the same skin prep I use with my pump site to increase the stickiness.

  8. where would be the best place to put all the sensors? It is saying in the manual to keep it between 36-77. My apartment building heating system makes it impossible to turn down. My average at is at 88 degrees. Its a building from the 1920s so it has its own heating system. But still want to know where should I keep them.

    As far from the heat source as possible.
    I have carried a spare sensor with me during the summers and have not had a problem with a sensor I carried backpacking at Disney in Florida. I keep a spare in my insulin pump emergency kit that stays in my backpack.

  9. the memory is only 30 days. So every 30 days I should download the info so I have it then start over? How much info does the DM3 hold? The manual doesnt say and if it does, I must of missed it.

    The memory holds ALOT!. I have found I can download memory about every 6 weeks and not miss data. The idea for every month is so you do not miss data. DM3 works well at not duplicating entries. BTW, you do not need to clear the receiver memory, it writes over the oldest data and keeps a history 6 to 8 weeks long.

    BTW, I wear my sensors vertically instead of horizontally because of problems while sleeping. The length of the transmitter/sensor horizontally has caused the sensor to pull out once in the year I have had my Dexcom 7+.

    Best wishes. Average what all of us have shared and work with your trainer. Do not be overwhelmed with the new information from this diabetes tool.

Look at the discussion here on Dexcom titled inserting the sensor

There is a lot of discussion in that thread.

the heating system is that old style radiator and if you turn down the knob, it takes 4 days to warm up your apartment and your apartment will feel like 37 degrees so I was told not to turn it down so I have to deal with the heat but at least I dont freeze

Thanks for asking about the storage! I appreciate that. I do have 2 closets that I can use. So its helpful on that.

I’ll remember the calibrations and ask when i meet with the dex rep just to double check.

I cant wait to begin. I get frustrated with the overnights the most

I dont have the pump yet. I’m working on getting that…hence why I asked about entering carbs and insulin in the receiver

Well in Italy we use radiators and we have the exact same problem you have. But you should be able to do slight changes in the knob position and find something more acceptable than 88 degrees, I hope! --Luca

Amy, here is the link to the discussion that the person said she kept hers in the fridge because she lives in Costa Rica. I was wrong in that she said she was told by Dexcom to do that – she just said she “thought” it was someone from Dexcom to do that, but she does keep them in the fridge.

When my July order was shipped, they were sent from Fl on a Wed and I did not get them until Mon after dinner. I had concerns about them being in the heat because 9 out of the 12 sensors in that order had to be replaced. I did ask Dexcom and they said it is more long-term storage than short-term being stuck on a UPS truck someplace.

You might want to just double-check with Dexcom and ask if it is OK to stick them in the fridge because of the heat issues in your apartment though.

I think I would probably die if my place was at 88 all winter! I wasn’t feeling that good yesterday and turned my heat up a little. I came down this morning to the temp being 68 in here and thought I was in an oven! I can’t imagine what 88 feels like.

I did try this last year and nope, that didnt work! I can’t wait to be in an apt where the heat an be controlled normally (well once I get a perm job where I can afford a different apt).

I get cold easily so 88 doesnt bother me! Once I meet with the dexcom rep I’ll ask her. Oh and I hate UPS, my shipment is coming from fedex.

I remember that thread. Rereading it and I still get conflicting answers

Everything about this disease is YMMV, so you will always get conflicting answers!

I like the FedEx guy better because he is cuter, but the UPS guy always has dog bones in his pocket so my dog likes him better!

HAHAHA your dog likes UPS better. My packages will be sent to my boyfriend’s house from now on or my mom’s job. I refuse to have packages sent to my house now.


Your Mileage May Vary.

Re #3: My DexCom Rep told me to take a reading from each hand to do the calibration. I have actually done that for all of mine.

oh! thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks Emily…I swear this is a disease that is a constant learning thing