Mothers with diabetes

Hi mamas :)

I have a question. I wanna baby and I talked with my doctor about this subject. I wonder your experiences and I would like to know your recommendations about pregnancy.

I'm type 1,my last HbA1C result is %6.8 and I use pen.

Panpan, please take a look at this group and join it.

we've had many members with successful pregnancies.

Thank u Marie B! I joıned the group.

Kerri over at did a great job blogging about her pregnancy. I think the bottom line is that you have to know that while the risks are higher, type 1 diabetics have healthy babies all the time and have been having healthy babies for decades. The key is tight control, keeping your BGs stable, and having the ability to really manage your BGs. I know you've inquired about going on a pump, and now is definitely the time to do so if you can (before you're pregnant). You'll need a solid 6-12 months to get familiar with the pump and your basal rates set up. And you want to make sure you're totally comfortable making adjustments with the pump BEFORE you get pregnant.

Do you have a good medical team? A good endo and a good ObGyn who are willing to talk with one another? I think that's the other thing you want in place before you get pregnant.

I was on the pump for only 3 months before I got pregnant (and the cgm for 2 only months) and had no issues (other than the regular pregnancy issues). I think it varies from person to person. Lots of women have successful pregnancies and healthy babies with MDI. I do agree that a good medical team can make the pregnancy much easier!

Panpan - I hope you find lots of helpful info with the group that Marie mentioned above. I also found this book to be very helpful: Balancing Pregnancy with Pre-Existing Diabetes. Good luck!

Kate thank you very much for your reply and the book. I'm trying to get a lot of info(...and articles, blogs, advice etc.) about pregnancy.

I hope everything will be good.

Thanks again!

Thanks for your reply MBP. I looked Kerri's blog. I began to follow it because I think it will be useful for me .

Also, yes, I have a very good medical team, endo and good OBGYN. We have a good communication.

And I think it is time to start for pump before pregnancy.


I had my son 16 years ago on R and NPH insulin. Pregnancy for me really triggered my insulin sensitivity. Strange usually people get very insulin resistent. Not me, the whole 9 months I struggled to keep my BG high enough. I imagine though had it been today and being pregnant, with better insulins, and better treatment plans, that aspect would have gone better. But the bottom line was I had a very healthy child born right on time.

Make sure you have a good endo, and I would recommend a OB/Gyn who specializes in high risk ob. I'd also really consider starting on a pump before becoming pregnant. Control is much easier, and more frequent adjustments can be made. That and you can make small tiny corrections too that you just cant get with MDI. It's a lot of work, but with a good team of Dr's and really frequent testing pregnancy is doable.

When I first found out I had diabetes 26 years ago, one of the doctors who first treated me said that I would never be able to have children, and that was a woman! I proved her wrong. I have two lovely daughters aged 18 and 20. I'm sure things have come a long way since I was pregnant, but it's going to be a 24 hour a day job for nine months with no vacations or coffee breaks. During my pregnancies, my A1cs were in the area of 6.2, and I spent the last month of both pregnancies in the hospital being monitored several times a day. I'll just throw out one sad note to the story. The year before my first daughter was born I had one other baby, a boy, who did not live. He was stillborn in the ninth month. We never found out what exactly happened to him. We were just told that it was the diabetes. He was perfectly formed and a beautiful baby. Again, no one could really tell us what went wrong. It was devastating at the time, but I do have the beautiful daughters now. Best of luck to you.


I was told I would never conceive, let alone carry a baby to term, from a very young age and all of that was reiterated when I was diagnosed Type 1 - we suffered a miscarriage (we were unaware of the pregnancy), but were fortunate enough to become pregnant again, I carried the baby to 37 weeks (to the day!) and in a couple of weeks he will celebrate his 2nd birthday :)

My best advice is find a high risk pregnancy clinic/doctor - and an endo who treats pregnant diabetics. It provided us with a wonderful support system and a network of people all working together for the benefit of me, my diabetes and my baby.

I was taken off Lantus and put back on to Humalin N - aside from the changes in my dosages (of both the Humalin N and my Humalog) and wee bit of high blood pressure during that last week, everything went beautifully!

I wish you the very best of luck :)


Cinderfella thank you very much for sharing. I am very impressed with your story. Your reply encouraged me.

Hi RR. I severely preparing for baby. I'm ready for everything. Your experiences will help me

Thanks for your reply :)