New to T1D - just found I am pregnant! :-)

First I want to say how excited I am! My husband is over the moon :slight_smile:

I was just diagnosed this year (at 34) with type 1 diabetes, so while I’m SUPER excited to be expecting…my blood sugar has been all over the place the last couple of weeks. I’m not sure how far along I am yet because we haven’t made it to the doctor yet. I took 2 separate FirstResponse tests earlier today and they both came back positive! To be honest, there’s been a lot going on and I don’t remember exactly when my last period was, but it has to be sometime in the last month - month and a half if I had to guess. I already have 1 daughter who will be 14 in August—I was 20 when she was born, and developed Graves disease (autoimmune hyperthyroidism) right after the pregnancy.

Any advice or tips or sharing of experiences from those who have been down this road would be great!

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I’d recommend getting in to see a high-risk OB/GYN ASAP and coordinating care with your endo.


I second the high risk OB/Gyn. While a successful pregnancy can be achieved it takes a lot of work and a lot of monitoring. Be mindful of your insulin needs and blood glucose levels. I found for me I became super sensitive to insulin while pregnant almost all the way through. Good luck and congratulations.


Were you on a pump or cgm during your pregnancy?

Ha. Is your 14 year old mortified? My parents had my sis when I was almost 16! Good luck and congrats!

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No lol that was nearly 21 years ago. Def would be easier probably today with devices available now. I hate CGM personally, but I would prob use it if I was pregnant just with how insulin sensitive I became during pregnancy.

Defo contact your endo asap, to get the right tools to manage your bg during those coming months (would absolutely consider pump and cgm). There are some cool blogs out there of mothers and mothers to be, here are a few: (currently pregnant, and she is one of my favorite diabetes bloggers overall) (currently pregnant as well, she even did a month to month guide to pregnancy with T1)
Texting My Pancreas: Pregnancy (gave birth to her 2nd child this spring) (this one is to ease your mind when you get scared, really beautifully written)

I wish you all the best with this pregnancy and keep us posted!


Congratuations! test frequently. Make corrections as required. Get plenty of healthy fats and protein and non-starchy veges. You may find limiting carbs helps (I did in my 2 pregnancies). I was / am on MDI. If I could have changed anything during pregnancy, i would say a CGM would have been the most helpful thing ever!


Congratulations!! I definitely agree with finding a high risk ob/gyn and seeing your endo ASAP! I am Type 1 (diagnosed at 8) and have had 5 children, so it’s definitely something that can be done! You will have to keep close watch on your blood sugars and will have to make insulin adjustments as you go (if you don’t trust yourself with doing that yet, make sure you contact your endo with questions/concerns regularly–even if you don’t have an appointment right then!) I was on injections until 2mos before my first child was born (that’s a story for another time, ugh!) and was on a pump with my 2nd-4th pregnancies, and then was on injections again (personal choice/preference) for my 5th pregnancy. CGM can be a wonderful tool, as can a pump, if you choose to go that route. I did wear a CGM for about a week with pregnancies 2-5, but I know a lot of diabetics like them full time. All of my babies were on the larger size (but there is a well documented family history of large babies, even with non-diabetic moms…and my husband is 6’3" :wink:), but they were/are all healthy and born full term. It is hard work, but so worth it!, and you will definitely find a groove as the months progress. Good luck! And maybe keep us posted on how things are going? :relaxed:

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I’m T2 and pregnant, and I will say to just expect to pay very close attention. You will need to adjust frequently! Also +1 to recs on high risk dr and being in touch with your endo.


Thank you—very helpful! I do plan on talking to my endo about getting a pump and cgm :slight_smile:

Thank you!!!

I already have an appointment with my obgyn, and they do treat high risk pregnancies. My endo’s office is closed today, but I plan on calling first thing Monday as there can be a couple weeks wait before she has an opening.

Such a relief to hear from someone with type 1 who has had 5 healthy babies—that’s wonderful!!!

My husband and I are so excited–we started trying back in November, and after I calmed down post-DKA/hospitalization (mid-Feb), I decided I wasn’t ready to throw in the towel. We are both surprised it happened this quickly, but the timing is great because I’m going to surprise my mom with the news this weekend for Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day to you–and thanks again for the advice and encouragement!

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Thank you!

I am very lucky to have been put in touch today by a mutual friend with a woman who is type 1, and has 3 children (one of which also has type 1)–I’m hoping she will be a great source of knowledge for me through all of this.

I will check out these links–you’re always so helpful :slight_smile:

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Her face was pretty priceless when I first told her yesterday lol, but then she was smiling, and happy!

Pretty funny to think that in 5 years or so I’ll have one in college, and one in pre-school :grin:

Aww, so nice of you! I love helping!
When you get in touch with your endo this monday, make sure to clarify that you are pregnant and that is a somewhat emergency, that they get you in ASAP and get your BG monitored and stuff. Be annoying and get what you need!

I actually got lucky, and even though the office is closed to patients on Fridays, the nurse called me a few minutes ago because some other test results came back (antibodies) confirming (again?) the type 1 diagnosis. While I had her on the phone, I told her I was SO glad she called, and did tell her I am pregnant and need to come in as soon as they have something…and she got me in for next Thursday!!!

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Congratulations… I have been diabetic for 15 yrs and am having my 3rd child in 2 wks at 39wks. No problems this pregnacy so far except morning sickness was awful. My first pregnacy was a twin pregnancy which sadly didnt turn out as well i did develop preeclampsia at 34wks and they were delivered and i lost my daughter Hayden a month later from NEC. After that pregnacy i found out i had celiac as well which was causing all my problems during pregnacy. I asked my hi risk doctor to test me but he said i didnt have it. But no one could figure why i was so anemic. I think all hi risk ob that treat type 1s for pregnacy should test for it we have a high chance of having it. I had no symptoms but anemia. But anyways make sure to find a great high risk doctor and if your not on the pump i would get on it. Being pregnant with type 1 is a full time job but so worth it!!!

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Sounds like you will be busy! Let us know how your appt. Goes. A gal I know has type one and had a perfectly healthy and happy kiddo. She had the CGM and the pump.

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@colette2 - Thank you for this info…and congrats on the new baby!

I am still pretty new to this, but you are the second person in a week who has mentioned to me that type 1 diabetics are prone to celiac disease. I’ve had Graves for 13 years, another autoimmune disease. Last thing I need is a 3rd to add to the mix!!!

Can I ask what symptoms/problems you had during and/or after your pregnancy prior to finding out about the celiac? I have appointments with 2 different high risk obgyn’s next week, and will choose one after that, but I have a hard time 100% trusting doctors and prefer to listen to what my body is telling me. It would be good to know what to look out for. I do have a wonderful endo, who I do trust, and will probably discuss this with her at my appointment tomorrow, but was just curious what you experienced.

Scary part i really didnt have any symptoms prior and if i did i wrote them off as diabetes problems. My shins hurt from running sometimes i would get hives only after hot bath though. Lots of diabetics are dont have symptoms though i read. My symptoms while i was pregnant didnt start till late second. My first 1/2 of pregnacy was a breeze no morning sickness which is crazy witg twins! My insulin needs werent increasing at all. By the end of 3rd trimester i could eat anything and shut my pump off for hours and still go low! And no doctors thought it was strange. After this experience i find it so hard to trust doctors. Trust me i didnt want another disease that limited my food opinions more but wish i had known now. But has been really easy eliminating gluten for me. I hope you have a great pregnacy though and celiac disease is no part of it!!! :slight_smile:

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