Today I got a text from my dad that he was dx'd as a t2. His A1c was 5.9 with a fasting BG of 120. He is now on metformin and the doctor will check him in 6 months.
I told my mom this, and she yells at ME. Saying that hes not really diabetic and I should stop taking his side. (Their relationship is in the middle of a divorce) she also says that his doctor is a quack. He WANTS to be diabetic so that he can take his meds and go back to eating burgers again o_0..?
And right now, they are having an argument over the phone, and I already know dad is going to be mad to me for telling mom.
I REALLY feel like I'm stuck in the middle of this. What do I do?!
You do nothing Timmy. Their problems are theirs, not yours. You did nothing wrong, I'm sorry you're stuck in the middle. If your mom has an issue with his doc, she can talk with his doc. If your dad is angry because you told your mom, let him know that you don't want to keep secrets and to please not tell you anything you can't share.
I’m sorry about this Timmy, there absolutely nothing good about that situation. I do find it crazy from a diabetic standpoint that she tries to justify him being on meds because he wants to eat burgers. That in itself is a diagnosis of diabetes. Any normal pancreas easily takes care of burgers, fries, and just about anything else you put with it. If she has the knowledge that his body can’t handle that food, then she has the knowledge that he is indeed diabetic. You are in my prayers…
Does your mom have some sort of science/ medical background so that she’d have an opinion or facts, even if they are wrong? If I were you, I’d stay out of telling either of them anything about the other one. If there’s an acrimonious divorce, or even a jolly one, anything that’s said can be used against everyone. Any little tidbit will serve to affect the “value” of one’s claim against the other and, frustrating though it may be, I think staying out is the best policy…
Re the diabetes, it may be ok to help yr dad but I’d say only do it ftf until the dispute(s) are resolved.
she has none at all.. but that does stop her from having opinions. (ex: she thinks the reason I had strep 7 times in 1 year was because it was "hiding" in my privates! then she got mad when the doctor gave her a o_0 look lol. thats probably TMI, but you get the point)
and I've kinda learned not to tell them things, but I figured the diagnosis of a serious medical condition was important info!
I would wait until it's settled. Anything you say can be used against them, by each other and will likely only complicate things, delay resolution and, possibly, your mom may use it against your dad? Not that maybe she's not entitled to but if you are "dragged in" as a "witness", I would think that'd be at least a bit uncomfortable?
Hugs sorry you are experiencing this. Let your parents settle their issues for now. You did nothing wrong and you just care for them both. Im sure they are just caught up with certain emotions right now but they both also care for you.
When they have both settled...then maybe that's the time they can deal with the diabetes issue.
yep that's definitiely wacky,and I am a pediatrician, your mom definitely has some underlying issues, are you type one? sometimes with a chronic illness, a child 's mom has an intensive fear of loss, and thus develops " vulnerable child syndrome" meaning your mom would be EXTRA worried about everything that happens to you even when it is not diabetes related, I see this a lot in my practice...
thats just the thing, she does get EXTRA worried about EVERYTHING that happens to me. She always has to know exactly where I am at all hours of the day. If I have to stay at work an hour extra, I'll have about 10 missed calls from her! but as soon as I DO injure myself or get sick, she tells me to stop complaining. "You see? you only tore it [my bicep] a little, so theres no need for these pain pills the doctor prescribed you!"