Rebecca M. Rodick has sent you a message on TuDiabetes - A Community for People Touched by Diabetes
Hey, you all!!!
I just wanted to let all of you know about my experience at the Behavioral Diabetes Institute’s Type I luncheon which was held on Saturday, October 10, in the La Jolla (San Diego) area.
Aside from the two mistakes in driving instructions (which made me much later than I pathetically, usually am!), I had a very nice time!
The theme was Celebration of Strength and there was a guest speaker, Kelly L. Close. She has had Diabetes less time than I have, but to her credit did some research on the old meters, etc. used in the past, to which she displayed on the screen for us to jog our memories by. It was a nice speech. We also ate a tasty lunch.
Before I had arrived each circular table (I was at Table number 10!!!) had agreed to a sentence they all liked which was then computer written and printed to put inside a tiny locket on a charm bracelet. Each of us received the charm bracelet and put our saying inside it. I haven’t taken mine off and I memorized the saying, “We are inspired and honored by those who have gone before us.”
Each person who had not spoken last year was allowed to go up for one minute each and tell what strength means to them. Many times we were crying because each person had gone through such a struggle with diabetes and we all know how brave we are, to not only get up and speak, but just how much strength it takes, to continue living with our disease.
After that, I was able to visit and meet such unique and wonderful people!!! Some came from as far away as New York and New Jersey, etc. and most of course, the San Diego area. I even got a short chance to visit with my meet-up friends (the ones I met in July of this year!!).
This weekend I will be attending Taking Control of Your Diabetes (not sponsored by Behavioral Diabetes Institute-BDI) and next month will go to a “stress and diabetes” one day workshop put on by the BDI, all in an effort to get me to better emotionally deal with this disease.