Ok, well, here goes.
My son, oldest son, is the Diabetic in the family. Kinda happened like a cheap sucker punch from hell. Life was good, we were just going along and then that mack truck t-boned us. It started with him always being hungry, thirsty, anger out-bursts, bed wetting. Then one morning, as he was getting in the bath tub, my wife noticed how skinny he had become; ribs showing on his back. She called me and I told her to take him to the doctor. Two hours later, she calls me, crying. Diabetes mellitus was the diagnosis. His blood sugar was in the high 600's, high keytones, and now a rushing trip to children's hospital.
Already hating needles (why does God give this disease to kids/humans and especially those how hate needles?) we had to sit with him in the ER and almost hold him down so the nurse could administer the IV. The next week, just before Christmas, we spent in a hospital room, getting a crash course on what to do, what can happen, and what to expect. The worse part was having to give the shots. Flash forward to present day....
1 year and 4 months after diagnosis, we put him on the Minimed Pump. To this day, he has never had an extreme low or had to go back to the hospital. Thank God for that. We are very well versed with counting carbs, estimating, even he is more accurate than we are at times! He is in Boy Scouts. Plays the Double Bass. Very talented guitarist! He is a blessing. Now the bad part....
He has a very low motivation level at times. Says he can't do something if he cant be number one. Has a high motivation for x-box though! I know that most of this is because he is going thru puberty; he is so talented and intelligent, I just wish he had more drive. This disease sucks; especially for him. Always thinking about what he's eating/drinking, poking his fingersl, injecting the inset. Why!!!!!!!??????
Growing up, a friend of mine was diagnosed at the age of 12 with type 1. I learned so much from his experiences and now I am putting to good use with my son.
Well, thats my first blog. Just the tip of the diabetes iceberg! Everyday is a struggle to keep the ever sensitive balance. I am sure that there are a lot of parents out there just like us. Just know that I have you in my thoughts and in my prayers. Lets keep the hope and drive for the kryptonite that will destroy this disease that has taken/affected so many wonderful lives.