My First Time

Well, now that I’ve got your attention let me tell you about my first visit to an Endocrinologist.
Being about six years into my life with DM type 2 I thought maybe I should touch base with a physician who actually specializes in this disease. I’m really glad that I did. Wish I had done it sooner.
What spurred me to finally make an appointment was the suggestion by a podiatrist that I have surgery for my diabetic neuropathy. Then my Family Practice doctor had no idea what Alpha Lipoic Acid is. All the cool kids know that one! Doesn’t he read Tu Diabetes?
I had to wait several weeks to get in but it was a good appointment. I learned that I need to be taking six times the amount of ALA that I’d self prescribed. I learned that I might be a candidate for Byetta or maybe even the big “I” (insulin at night) and that there was a honking big cyst on my thyroid. I learned how different medications for diabetes affect weight loss and what more I could do for my neuropathy. The Endocrinologist also won me over with her opinion on surgery for neuropathy. She’s dubious which was also my gut reaction. Yay. I learned that they can download all my meter data and that I should be keeping a log of blood sugars. Who knew? Well, I kinda knew but intro to DM was a long time ago and I have no idea where those materials they gave us went.
So we are waiting on some labs and the results of my thyoid ultrasound. I’m logging my blood sugars and taking them more often. I’ve upped my ALA. At last I feel like I’m on a train with some straight rails and a destination. Toot, toot!


Might I suggest if you lost all of those intro papers fromw hen you were diagnosed, why not go back to school here and start reading all the intro material we send to new folks.

Never know…might remember something.


You probably know this already, but just in case you don’t. The most effective form of ALA is R-ALA.

Great that you found a good endo. Full steam ahead:)

Welcome to the REAL world of diabetes. Good for you! Best thing I ever did was fire my last doctor and find my endo. Things are going to get so much better now! Your first visit totally reminds me of my first visit. It changed my life in every good way you can think of.