My proclamation concerning cinnamon!

Well, I used it for over 3 weeks and I will say I saw changes with my numbers.

I had two sandwiches, meaning, 4 pieces of bread (rye) and 4 slices of ham and cheese loaf. I checked my sugar two hours later and it was 179, now for me…that’s unheard of. I am taking a half a teaspoon before each meal and before going to bed at night. I have seen my numbers turn around here, its blowing my mind actually. My norm would be about 270 to 320 after eating those sandwiches and checking my sugar two hours later. So I will proceed with hope and added faith. I just happen to be extra hungry that day and went overboard, but it was good.

I"m glad to see your post. I have wondered about using cinnamon. Sounds like you are actually using the real cinnamon spice and not a capsule. Do you know anyone using the capsules?

I am currently trying cinn capsules. i think it has helped avoid spikes when I’ve eaten poorly not a miracle drug and have no real evidence just my casual observences

Hi! Finally, some one who have success with cinnamon!

I have used cinnamon for years. My use is different than yours but then what isn’t different for each of us living with this unpredictable Big D! :0))

I use cinnamon instead of jams, jellies or syrup on a piece of toast or french toast or a hot dinner roll with buttery spread. I use it for baked goods that I make myself with whole wheat flour and Stevia… I also have used cinnamon sprinkled over sugar cubes for a low test result (the cinnamon is a nice taste)

Type 1 for 5 decdes+

I am unclear. Did you bolus for those pieces of bread? If you normally count the carbs and bolus and then end up 270-320 mg/dl at 2 hrs, that is not good.

I have found that vinegar results in improved digestion and less of a blood sugar response. I never saw any blood sugar improvement with cinnamon, and I used to buy the costco cinnamon in the barrel. It is a good substitute for other potentially carby flavorings.

I love cinnamon & use it frequently, but it never helped my BG. Geesh, those are some scary high readings. Sounds like you need to adjust your ratios.

I use the cinnamon capsules with chromium…Spring Valley brand, you can find them at Walmart or online at Amazon…work pretty well for me

I think cinnamon works for some but not for all…I have heard say it does nothing for them but for me it does help. So does chromium, apple cider vinegar, and aloe vera tea…

I think the rye bread is giving you those spikes, it doesnt process like wheat. Maybe you should switch breads

I’m one of those that it don’t work for oh well…

Just a thought - have you tried reducing the bread portion to 2 slices of bread or even to zero slices of bread, and then seeing what your post-meal blood sugars are? It seems to me that the most effective way to turn around your numbers is to reduce the carbs rather than add herbal supplements.

I couldn’t walk around with blood sugars 270-320. I think I would literally be in tears.

Hey Debbie,

I used the capsules before but prefer to use the loose poweder and mix it with a little water and drink it up before meals and bedtime. It is helpful but not the cure by all means. Presently I hit a hard spot, I fell off the mountain top there a bit because I started eating again, not good. I went ahead and purchased a A1C kit and the reading was 9, so that is a 3 month reading and I haven’t been doing to good with my eating habits again. Also I have been off Victoza two weeks now because the doctor has had no samples. I’m in the process of a transition and waiting to see him for find out exactly what my next move is. I have been using 4 tablets 500 mg glyaburide Metphormin in its place and that has been ineffective. I was reading about an over the counter insulin, it struck my curiosity but will do nothing until my next visit to endo. Its a long story. However, if we are eating well and using the cinnamon it cant hurt and it seems to have been a help to me.

Hey Joe_H

I have found by eating the way I should that the cinnamon is a plus, one is not to be dependent on it and or use it to stabalize diabetes within our system, that wont work. The only true counter-attack is the right food and its very difficult to follow diabetic diets, < that is to say, it is for me. My A1C was 8.5, so the endo made me come back in a month and by eating salads, meat and water, for me that was the only way to bring that number down, It lowered to 7 in one months time. I recently quit exercising as I need to figure out another exercise routine. What I was doing as far as exercise was great but it was killing my knees. Walking pains my feet so I am being reduced to Pilates.

HI Rye…

My mom introduce Chromium Picolinate to me a few years ago. I was taking it but not here as of late. I was given a book to read, Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD. It apparently counts the nutrients in foods and teaches you a new way of life with eating. It’s a bit overwhelming but I am going to read it. Pre-paring food ahead of time and or for two different people, my husband and myself is a real drag. Oh well, I will get over it, no choice. I love to cook for him, hate cooking for me, always a big mess to clean. He is a meat and potato man only, Ha! can you imagine? he loves that gravy and mashed potatoes, garlic bread and what have ou, he eats it all. Afterwards, eats a box of Edy’s ice-cream, lucky guy.

Hey Debbie,

I used the capsules before but prefer to use the loose poweder and mix it with a little water and drink it up before meals and bedtime. It is helpful but not the cure by all means. Presently I hit a hard spot, I fell off the mountain top there a bit because I started eating again, not good. I went ahead and purchased a A1C kit and the reading was 9, so that is a 3 month reading and I haven’t been doing to good with my eating habits again. Also I have been off Victoza two weeks now because the doctor has had no samples. I’m in the process of a transition and waiting to see him for find out exactly what my next move is. I have been using 4 tablets 500 mg glyaburide Metphormin in its place and that has been ineffective. I was reading about an over the counter insulin, it struck my curiosity but will do nothing until my next visit to endo. Its a long story. However, if we are eating well and using the cinnamon it cant hurt and it seems to have been a help to me.

Hi Lee,

Now about this stevia, I have some, the say it does not raise our sugar levels? how about our experience with this?
I will put our ideas with eating cinnamon to use. Some of the cinnamon I have purchased taste like loose card board powder, and others I can actually taste the cinnamon, I think there is a small difference with cinnamon taste but not the strength. I could be wrong though, about the strenth.

Hi bsc, was going to flip for…Howdy Doodey…LOL!

Well, ya maybe I did. However, I chanced it out to do a test run with the cinnamon, soooo, ya on the average it would have rose to 250 two hours later. I dont make this a habit. We are all different when it comes to this crazy disease, with me, new things last awhile and then slowly dissipate. In order for me to remain regulated with decent readings I have to be very strict and it weighs heavily on my mentality. No food after 6:00 pm and stick to water, meat, salads and food that will make your cry, even when your on meds. I hate it all of course, as we all do. Its a process, a learning process. I do drink the braggs apple cidar vinegar mixed with water as much as my stomach can hack it.

Hi Gerri

Well, as I mentioned earlier to another person here, I have been without my Victoza for two weeks now, my reading last night was 340. However, I havent been eating well either, a certain depression kicked in and well I have medicated it with food, not good food. I am back, eating good again, but taking 4 Glyaburide Metphormin for the moment and its usless. I await my doctor visit as I cannot get in any earlier. My husband said the paper said there was a shortage of generic drugs right now, well Victoza is not generic so I dont know whats going on. I am in the middle of a transition, the Victoza was temporary and my doctor was supplying it. I have the issue down in my original post over this matter.

Hi Lila

Thank you on your thoughts, they are well reciprocated, I need all the help I can get. Today, I started out with a small bowl of Kellogs, the small box unit sizes for breakfast and just enough milk to cover it. Then, for a pick me up snack, half of a chocoate Atkins protein drink between meals, for lunch, one piece of bread with mustard and two slices of ham and cheese loaf, accommodated with water. On the way home I drank the rest of the Atkins drink. Checked my sugar and hour later it was 244 one reading and 222 a different testing strip. But it was an hour later, cant expect miracles. Ya…I do worry, immensely. I called my doctor and well the story is long, I have it in other post here on my situation. Beleive me, I am worried. Cant do anything for the moment, I am waiting on him. Even thought about doing over the counter insulin I read about, thats how desparate I feel. I had a very bad month here, very bad, but I will rise above, I know the Lord is with me through all of this, I just want to get situated with getting my diabetes at bay and not be in such a tailspin over it all the time.

Hey Rye!

I know your right on this, just another food I have to say goodbye to, I love rye bread, it just makes the meat hearty and tasteful. The dietician I visited once said I should eat 8 times a day, little foods in between. Ya like thats easy, have to stop all the time to gargle down some nuts and this and that. She is right though.