My Thoughts on Paula Deen

There’s lots of discussion here and elsewhere on the web about Paula Deen’s diagnosis. I think that most of us would agree that nobody “deserves” diabetes and if we want to blame anything we need to take a look at our country’s diet…not just one woman’s.

That being said, I think that many of us aren’t giving enough credit to a recently diagnosed woman. I am incredibly thankful that I didn’t have national attention at the time of diagnosis because I was completely ignorant and would have said some really stupid things. It took me years to understand what was good for me and what wasn’t (thanks more to my friends on TuDiabetes than any of my doctors).

I’m not excusing the distribution of ignorant information, but I wish that I could remind y’all (going southern for Paula’s sake) that minus all of the attention she’s still a recently diagnosed woman that’s going to fumble through the first few years just like we did.

I am sorry but the only reason she is "coming out" is because she is being paid BIG bucks by a drug company!! She has had this for 3yrs and decided now to "come out"?? Why, are her ratings going down that she needs to use her illness to generate funds.. gee, wouldn't that be nice to get paid to have Diabetes.. Not saying she should tell anyone her business BUT my god why does she have to make it sound like this is a death sentence....I think she took this whole disease process back about 15 years by the way she said many things. You are right, we all may have said stupid things in our lifetime. BUT if she is going to be our spokesperson (BTW who decided that one--a greed driven advertising company)then she better know what the heck to say that doesn't make the rest of us have a target on our backs again!!

Paula Deen is diabetic so.................... Oh and she's gonna rep a company so.............I think their making too bigger deal out of this.

That's just my thoughts on the subject.

I think we're all entitled to our own feelings and opinions on this and anything, but just to clarify: She specifically said in her interview on the Today Show that this is NOT a death sentence. She then detailed why she waited so long. We're simply assuming and using our cynicism to say that she did this for This Reason or That Reason differently than what she's publicly stated. And no one has designated her our community spokeswoman, it's simply a paid role she's taking with one company. Just as no one other person speaks for me except for myself. I am my own spokesperson, and sometimes on occasion I happen to say something people agree with. She's just another member of our bigger Diabetes Community who needs support from fellow People With Diabetes. And then, she has a place advocating in a way that maybe can help some people. Thanks for the post on this, and for all the discussion.

If someone came to me and offer me a boat load of money to be a spoke person I would take it. Who would not take it in this site. Lets be real. Some people suffer with diabetes because they cant offer the proper care they need. So I know that most of us would take the BIG bucks from drug companies so that we could live a more comfortable life with diabetes.

That money pays for supplies, health benefits, and the ability to not worry about where a person would get money to pay for all the above. So I dont think she is doing anything bad by taking the money or comming out. Maybe she needs the money.

Folks are criticizing Paula Deen for taking 3 years to "come out of the closet"?

That's a revolution in its quickness.

Think Mary Tyler Moore, Ron Santos, folks who were popular, young, thin at time of diagnosis... and stayed in the closet for decades (not even letting the employers or co-workers) out of fear for their career. And I wouldn't dare criticize them.

A person's medical history is protected--it's supposed to be private. When I was diagnosed, I was immediately outed to my family and friends because of the circumstances (I was living at home, my brother found me passed out on the floor, my mom followed the ambulance to the hospital and was met at the door with this new diagnosis) but I know there are people here on this site who have never come out to their co-workers or family. It's a hard decision. As witnessed by the reaction to Paula Deen, there is no telling how some people will react to the news that someone has diabetes. For some reason, everyone "knows" what this new person with diabetes should have done to stop it, and they are weak or stupid for getting diagnosed when this is "preventable." (note: We know better. But the general public doesn't, necessarily)

As a public figure, Paula Deen has to face not only her friends and family with this news, but also people who watch her show, people who have used her books, and (and this is perhaps the loudest group) people who have never watched or read or cooked like her and never plan too, but are certain on hearsay evidence that she brought it on herself because everybody "knows" that diabetes is preventable. Besides, anyone who cooks like that deserves what she gets. They've been waiting and wondering when the "obvious," "inevitable," and "preventable" health issues would show up.

I can't blame her for wanting to avoid the media flack she's getting right now. I just hope it doesn't make it harder for other people with diabetes to feel comfortable telling their stories.

Im a fan of paula who is 64,she developed type !! three years ago and kept her mouth shut. Idont know her recipes reminded me of how i grew up and then if it wasnt butter it was Crisco.That said i hope she doeswork w/ a nutrisionist but her cardiac diet is what I m to be on combined w/ the diabetic one. I agrree based on some things Ive heard she needs some help w/ what is and isnt diabetic food. i think we all figure out how tomanage our individual diabetsand i know i had and still have some dumb beliefs.