I am doing a research paper on diabetes. I am a type 2 diabetic and have been for about 3 years. I need to interview individuals with diabetes but when I went to a local support group it did not go well. I was told that they would love to talk to me, but when I started asking questions, no one wanted to talk. It was like having diabetes is taboo or something. So, here I am asking for help. I have listed questions below that I would like for you to answer. Your name will not be used in the research paper unless you give me permission to do so. (YOU must write that you are willing to let me use your information in this project.) I will be taking quotes from what you say or rather type. My biggest problem is that the project is due Tuesday. I did not wait to the last minute to do the paper but rather went in the wrong direction in the beginning. Now I am play catch up.
I really appreciate any help that you can give. And if you would like a copy of the project I am more than happy to get it you. If you do not want others to see, please email your answers to adawnmorgan@gmail.com This is ONLY to be used for my English 100 class at Western Kentucky University.
Here are the questions:
1. When did you find out you were a diabetic?
2. How did you find out you were a diabetic?
3. What were your immediate feelings after the diagnosis?
4. What are your fears?
5. What are your struggles?
6. Do you have a support team?
7. How do you control diabetes?
8. Does you support team hurt/help you?
9. Do you have a family history of diabetes?
10. Would you like to add anything?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best wishes,
Amanda Morgan