Needing advice

Ok I’m kinda I dunno what I’ve been have issues with my bg I’ve been well extremely thirsty I pee alot last yr I for some reason lost 80 pounds and put 30 back on I get light headed somewhat dizzy migraines blurry vision and an odd feeling like I may have a seizure oh I’m epileptic too my sugar hasn’t been under 127 since I started watching it months ago and that’s at 9am when I wake up about 12hrs after I eat or drink anything and anything with sugar carbs that kinda thing even a small glass of juice shoots it well over 200 my gp says he’s not concerned any ideas or advice id appreciate

If you don’t need a referral, I would make an appointment with an endocrinologist. That doesn’t sound like it’s nothing. If you do need a referral, I would try to make a case to your gp that you are worried about it and really want to investigate it further with an endocrinologist or at the very least blood tests.

Ty I did insist Wednesday for an a1c to be drawn he said insurance wouldn’t pay for it so I’ve been dealing with this long enough I paid for it outta my money I checked my BG before I went in I was 137 that was 10 and a liter of water after I woke up I did forget to mention my last panel drawn showed high potassium and high liver function not sure what that means if anything

Not sure about the liver or potassium but I’m surprised that insurance wouldn’t pay for an A1C if you haven’t had one done already. Hopefully, someone else will have some insight as well.

The Dr said we checked glucose in a cbc last year you weren’t bad then I said look if I drink 4oz just like the little hospital cup of juice in over 200 pretty fast and it takes forever to even start to come dwn to around 180 so we r gonna check it out and he ordered the test for the next day I would have thought he would ask for an A1C and a fasting glucose test but he’s really reluctant to do almost anything

I think you should find a new doctor, at least one that has heard of the proper testing which are not rocket science. If you are testing at home, take the results with you. I wonder if you might get some recommendations from your insurance company, mine is happy to offer advice and recommend available tests and protocols they cover offer a list of docs and even PA or ARNP in their network that can see about finding out what might be the cause of any symptoms you are dealing with. What kind of doctor are you working with now?

Rite now I have my regular doctor my pulmonologist and my neurologist and an internist yea its alot lol

I would try to get one of your doctors to do the proper testing. It sounds like you have diabetes, whether it is induced by the medications you’re on I don’t know. I think your gp would be concerned if his bg was shooting to 200 and fasting of 127. He sounds like a lousy doc to me.

It can be so so frustrating trying to deal with doctors. Sometimes what is required is a good bit of persistence. Doctors sometimes have good reason for what they do or do not do. If you do not agree with his or her actions then ask him to explain them. If he can’t of won’t then you have a problem. Doctors are not gods, it is OK to question them.

It does not sound as though you are getting competent care, based on the information here in this thread. Routinely experiencing BGs > 200 and never being lower than 127 should be a red flag to any doctor. To see numbers like that and opine that an A1c test isn’t needed simply boggles my mind.

High potassium is another thing that demands investigation at the very least. Extremely high levels of potassium can produce heart failure, independent of any other physiological process.

Oh, and one more thing: never take a doctor’s word for what your insurance will or won’t cover, especially for something important. Check with the insurance company itself.

I’ve never even heard of an a1c test ordered by a doctor not being covered by insurance— even if it’s not, it only is billed at $16 at my PCP office, and is not billed seperately at all at my endos office. Both of which can do them in-clinic.

My endo even let’s me come in in-between appointments once in a while and lets my wife (who works in the same building) use the equipment to administer a free test between appointments. Any competent family doctor or internist should be very well versed in evaluating diabetes, since something like 1/8 to 1/4 (depending on definition) of their primary care patients now are afflicted with it to some degree.

And sometimes even higher, e.g., in a practice dominated by Medicare-age patients as many are these days. Which further reinforces the point.

Thx everyone today I went over 94 BG test numbers and came up with a 5.73 A1c soo yea any help with that number would be great also a friend said that salicylics can lower an A1c being given by a Dr lab if this is true why didn’t they ask what prescription meds I may be on and what if any vitamin supplements I maybe taken I have a BA in chemistry so I know what they are and do so I know it should be of some importance any thoughts or ideas would be great I need to get my health under control and my wife read ppl with epilepsy have 4x the risk of type 1 I’ve called my gp and ask for a referral to an endocrinologist and was asked y I don’t know if he’s gonna give me one or not yet so I guess as of now I’m trying to figure things out solo

i would send a letter to your doctors office stating that you are concerned about your blood sugar levels and would like to be fully evaluated for diabetes-- and that if they are unable or unwilling to do so please refer to a doctor whose field of expertise encompasses this concern.

Something about a letter just seems to accomplish so much more than a phone call in my experience. Faxes work too.

It’s almost as if they’re trained to actually respond to letters and faxes but blow off emails and phone calls… Has often seemed that way to me anyway.

Lol sam19 I’m gonna because they seem lazy like ill test you for a bare bones test just to shut you up they never ever get on the phone you always get the receptionist you can’t even talk to the drs nurse I bet he’d be ordering every test imaginable if he were me waking up feeling ok then within an hr your vision is messed up your shaky dizzy twitchy and your head just pounds with nothing helping the pain he wouldn’t be saying he wasn’t worried or concerned among other ridiculous answers such as I don’t really have any real knowledge of this type of problem i will admit im well I’ve been scared because of the way I’ve felt the other day I woke up with a dang recliner on top of me I don’t know what went on

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