The recent inspiring discussion by Matt, Mitchell and Gil about taking matters into their own hands has prompted me to create this post. Perhpas Gil can help provide insight on this as a former Insulet engineer.
There are a lot of good ideas floating around from pod users about how to improve the OmniPod and I would like to formally collect some of those suggestions and send to Insulet. I've tried to engage Insulet marketing a couple of times about doing more to leverage this community (via social networking and product management) but with no success. I have a marketing background and worked ten years at a medical device manufacturer, and in my view the TUDiabetes OmniPod group is a great resource that can provide some useful customer input--taken in context of course. So I have a three step plan:
1) online brainstorming for ideas on improving the OmniPod
2) Do an on-line poll of this group to help rank order the suggestions
3) Send the top 10 to Insulet. I'm sure they have input from a lot of sources, it would be great to add our voice.
Brainstorming ideas:
Since Insulet is already releasing a smaller pod and is working hard on CGM integration, I am leaving them off the list. [updated]
OmniPod New Features
1. Smaller PDM
2. Daily/Weekly calendar to allow entry of Weekend basals
3. IOB calc option that includes food bolus (similar to other pumps)
4. Ability to enter carbs for a low to record history
5. Make canula more visible
6. Vibrate option for alarms on PDM (instead of audible)
7. Slightly curved/cushioned (or flexible) bottom of pod for better fit on body
8. Better adhesion, more contact points
9. In history, display actual bolus instead of suggested
10. Formal method for removing unused insulin from failed pods or removable reservoir
11. Improved data reporting/mining
12. Smart phone version of PDM (iPhone, Andoid, etc).
13. Customizable food library that can create a meal number and link to bolus
14. Sunlight readable screen
15. Skins for pods
16. Larger reservoir
17. Waterproof/shockproof PDM
18. Better form-factor for PDM (smaller, more modern style & features)
19. Quick shut-off for alarms
20. More visible serial numbers
21. Alarm if canula has dislodged
22. Longer distance for PDM to pod sync
23. More accurate calculation for insulin level in reservoir
24. Expand preset options to be user definable (i.e. alarm volume, alarm frequency, extended bolus interval, temp basals, etc)
25. Go right to check BG after BG reminder (remove "ok" step)
26. Upload food counts from a computer
27. Expand data input to include items such as A1C, Doctor appt, and other medical info
28. Integrated lancet
29. Rechargeable PDM (like cell phone)