New Poll: When did you the last see an eye doctor?

We just added a new poll on the main page: When did you the last see an eye doctor?

You can either vote on the home page of TuDiabetes or on this page.

Participation: check.

Thanks for thinking of a poll question that is as good for reminding as it is for informing! I’m due for another appointment this month and I haven’t given it another thought until now.

September 08

June 08:)


I am going next week (or the week after next… not sure which). :slight_smile:

May 08, no retinopathy!

About three weeks ago and NO sign of Diabetes anywhere…Cool huh!

I am glad you brought this poll Manny.In Egypt I had to convince my newly diagnosed relatives with type2 diabetes to go to check their retina,their doctors did not refer them as their diabetes is still new!!!

Ugggh…just had a laser treatment last Tuesday! Retinopathy is the pits…but the laser is much better than the alternative!

I go in January-----1 year

I cant remember ever going but, as of my GP appointment last week I will be going as referred in a month or so when I get back from vacation next month.

I saw my eye doctor in July of this year. All clear so far.

2 Months ago. I have them checked yearly.

I went last month. I have been type 2 for 19 years. No eye problems yet. Except for reading glasses needed due to getting older. 51 years young!

This 3-D Animation on diabetic retinopathy lasts less than 4 minutes, but despite the authors use of big words, I bet you’ll want to set up an eye appointment after visualizing whats going in your eye with this complication.

Definitely set up an appointment. Make it your personal christmas present.

Diabetic Retinopathy Animation

I go to the Eye Unit at Joslin in Boston every 6 months. My eye doctor has been seeing me since I was 8… 31 years. He got the biggest laugh this year when he got to prescribe my first pair of glasses - EVER! I’d had 20/15 vision my whole life and all of a sudden last February, I couldn’t see… near or far. Things got really fuzzy. He LOVED that he got to prescribe me bi-focals and my mother laughed and said “at least I made it to 40 before I got mine!” Mean people! I cried and cried. I’d gone to Boston via Amtrak, by myself, from Stamford, CT and I cried all the way home (3 hours). The doctor told me that it was all normal. Had I not been diabetic I might have made it to 40, but I got bi-focals at age 38 : (

Through the years I have had micro-anurisms (spell?) and now I am showing hardening in one retina. When I was 15 I was a horrible diabetic and truly rebelled… that one year did damage to my eyes and I’ll have to live with that for the rest of my life.

I go every year in May.

My insurance will not cover eye doctor visits.

How’d everything go at the eye docs?