We just added a new poll on the main page: When did you the last see an eye doctor?
You can either vote on the home page of TuDiabetes or on this page.
We just added a new poll on the main page: When did you the last see an eye doctor?
You can either vote on the home page of TuDiabetes or on this page.
Participation: check.
Thanks for thinking of a poll question that is as good for reminding as it is for informing! I’m due for another appointment this month and I haven’t given it another thought until now.
September 08
June 08:)
I am going next week (or the week after next… not sure which).
May 08, no retinopathy!
About three weeks ago and NO sign of Diabetes anywhere…Cool huh!
I am glad you brought this poll Manny.In Egypt I had to convince my newly diagnosed relatives with type2 diabetes to go to check their retina,their doctors did not refer them as their diabetes is still new!!!
Ugggh…just had a laser treatment last Tuesday! Retinopathy is the pits…but the laser is much better than the alternative!
I go in January-----1 year
I cant remember ever going but, as of my GP appointment last week I will be going as referred in a month or so when I get back from vacation next month.
I saw my eye doctor in July of this year. All clear so far.
2 Months ago. I have them checked yearly.
I went last month. I have been type 2 for 19 years. No eye problems yet. Except for reading glasses needed due to getting older. 51 years young!
This 3-D Animation on diabetic retinopathy lasts less than 4 minutes, but despite the authors use of big words, I bet you’ll want to set up an eye appointment after visualizing whats going in your eye with this complication.
Definitely set up an appointment. Make it your personal christmas present.
I go to the Eye Unit at Joslin in Boston every 6 months. My eye doctor has been seeing me since I was 8… 31 years. He got the biggest laugh this year when he got to prescribe my first pair of glasses - EVER! I’d had 20/15 vision my whole life and all of a sudden last February, I couldn’t see… near or far. Things got really fuzzy. He LOVED that he got to prescribe me bi-focals and my mother laughed and said “at least I made it to 40 before I got mine!” Mean people! I cried and cried. I’d gone to Boston via Amtrak, by myself, from Stamford, CT and I cried all the way home (3 hours). The doctor told me that it was all normal. Had I not been diabetic I might have made it to 40, but I got bi-focals at age 38 : (
Through the years I have had micro-anurisms (spell?) and now I am showing hardening in one retina. When I was 15 I was a horrible diabetic and truly rebelled… that one year did damage to my eyes and I’ll have to live with that for the rest of my life.
I go every year in May.
My insurance will not cover eye doctor visits.
How’d everything go at the eye docs?