New pump!

Well my ice blue deltec cozmo pump (that I named bubbles) died a few weeks ago. It was like 2 weeks before Id have to switch anyway so I just decided to switch early. So we’ve been going through the process of getting a green animas ping. Its gonna be here Thursday! In 2 days!!! IM SO EXCITED!!! I miss my pump so bad! Its like as soon as I got back on shots, all bg control was taken away…up to 436 then down to 36. Whats worse is I have EOCT (End of Course Test) at school this week and next week. This morning was the first. Of course, without Bubbles…It was 9th grade Lit/Comp. Tomorrow is Biology, then next Wed. is Math. Im most worried about Biology, and its not because I wont have Bubbles either. I HATE Biology. Its just really hard for me. I mean, with just class work Im ok, but for some odd reason when a test comes I get like a C. Its not like that in any other subject though! Thats why I hate Biology. Anyway back to the ping. Does anyone have one?? Can you tell me anything about it?? From what I hear its supposed to be really good…
Any info would be appreciated!!! :slight_smile:

I named the blue cozmo bubbles…What would be a good name for a green ping??




Congrats on the new pump! It IS so exciting to get new toys! I get my new power chair tomorow! I’M so excited!!!

Green names, hmmmmm. Kermit (the frog)?

Lois La Rose
Milwaukee, WI

Hoorah to the new pump! Good luck with the exams.

Mine is Green Dragon. As for being environmentally friendly…put all the medical waste (strips, tubing, infusion sets, inserters, packaging etc.) in a bag for a month and see how friendly you think it is then. I wish it could be different but there is a lot of waste. I’m keeping it all for some yet-to-be-designed diabetic art project. Maybe I’ll make a Green Dragon…have fun. Pumping is the best.

Well I just got my pump and got hooked up to saline last night. I will be hooked up to novolog with it Tues. so far I am loving it. I am trying to name mine right now also. Lets see, a green one, how bout (Lucky)? Mine is pink so I am trying to come up with something for it. I think though Lucky would be cute for yours. It is for a green clover and a lucky charm.