Im Melissa and I have had type 1 Diabetes for 18 years including thyroid issues because of the fun and lovely diabetes, lol! it is great to finally find a site where I can relate to others, Im excited to make new friends that can relate :-)
Hello! I've recently joined the site as well! I'm a (fairly) recently diagnosed T1 (4/1/12) about to make my journey onto the pump. Just thought I'd give you a welcome :D
Thanks and welcome as well. How did you find out you were type 1, and I am here to talk, it is not an easy road at first, but it does get better. I was diagnosed at 10 and now it is just a daily routine, keep in touch!
Hi Melissa, I'm also new to this site and still learning my way around. So far it appears to be a good resource to get connected with other diabetics around the world (I'm living in the UAE right now, just moved here 3 weeks ago from Chicago!) and to share research/stories/tips etc. Welcome!
Hi I live in ct too unfortunately. In willimantic no where that is recently go on the pump I love omnipod. Been a d for between 13_15 years. Still stugeling though it