New to Tu & Dx

Hello - thought I’d introduce myself since it looks like I may be spending some time around here.

Recently Dx as a PWD based on an A1c of 6.7, endo has asked me to check morning BG for three months, get a round of lab work and see him again. In the meanwhile I’m trying to educate myself about what’s going on and how to care for myself. Since I’m not on meds (at least not for diabetes) I’m focusing on diet and exercise. The exercise part is fairly straight forward, exercising an average of four days and week, might be more when I’m not traveling, less when I am. Yoga, calisthenics, elliptical (home) and swimming (traveling) and starting to add in some weight training. Goal is to get that to an average of 6 days a week within two months.

Still researching the diet side; my endo suggested The Best Life Guide for Managing Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes (promotes a variation of the Mediterranean diet), I’m also picked up The Insulin-Resistance Diet (a Link & Balance approach that could accommodate a Mediterranean diet) at the library and here at Tu it seems many have had success with moderate carb (<120-100/day) or low (<100-30/day). So while I’m learning I’m kind of doing a low carb Med, but ending up with more fat than protein. Open to any and all ideas for now, I’ll though I’ll admit it would be a challenge to go the <= 30 carb a day route while traveling on business. Since I’m constantly on the go when I’m on the road - next week I’ll be in the mid-west for a day and a half, the west coast for a day and half, back home for half a day and then up to the north east for a few days - there’s not much time to shop, no time to find healthy sit down restaurants so I’d be carrying much of my food.

I’ve also started testing myself more often then once a day, which means I have to go into pocket to go beyond what my insurance will cover, but I’m convinced it’s worth it to know what I can eat that doesn’t cause my BG to go above 150. Once I get there, I’ll focus on 140-130 and progress towards 100 if possible. Right now my fasting BG in the morning is averaging higher than I’d like at 158. Looking at my of the posts, I realize that’s a relatively good number and it does give me hope that I can further reduce it without meds.

As a more general intro - I like to cook, read speculative fiction, love music and am fortunate to have a fabulous and supporting wife.



Welcome, jah.ini! You’ve definitely come to the right place for support and information from 19,000 amazing People with Diabetes! You sound like you are thinking well about how to manage your diabetes, and already doing more than the doctor expects. Most of us find we to a great extent manage our own D because we are the ones that live with it 24/7. I agree that testing one time per day is not sufficient and testing with purpose - such as seeing how different foods affect your blood sugar is the way to go. You might want to ask your doctor to support this and prescribe more test strips. They have sufficient discretion to do this. Some of that does depend on your Type and I noticed you don’t mention it. Do you know if you are Type 1 or 2? If there is lack of certainty, it is worth it to get testing: antibody tests and c-peptide.

Also depending on your type, you might want to stay open to meds. 158 fasting is definitely high and is not that easy to manage with just diet like your post prandial blood sugars are. If you are type 2 and can manage for awhile without meds that’s great, but if not, then that is what it is. If you are type 1, that is another story.

Anyway, welcome and don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Nice to meet you! Unfortunately, I don’t know much about reducing BG without meds as I have an insulin pump/ CGM which seems to be about as medded as I could be?

WELCOME! What Zoe says. Nice to have you here with us!

Thanks for the welcome. I’ve assumed it’s type 2, I think the next round of blood work will further confirm. Your comments on the challenge of getting the fasting BG down without meds is something I’ve thought about and if it requires meds, then I’ll take them. If I don’t eat before bed my morning reading is very high, if I do eat right before bed it gets lower, but I think that’s at a price of being higher during the night according to a couple of tests from night.

Thanks again - I’ve got a lot to learn yet.

Thanks - nice to meet you too!.

Definitely do the less than 30g carb/day from non-starchy veggies. I am type 1, been eating this way for over two years and have never felt better. I have greater insulin sensitivity and feel the best I have ever felt. Last A1C was 5.6. I never get so much as a cold either as the diet kicks your immune system into high gear. The diet is difficult at first, but gets easier and easier the more you stick with it. I think it’s the best way to eat ever. Fat and protein keep you so full, and who can resist steak and eggs on a daily basis? :slight_smile:

I highly recommend Dr. Bernstein’s book, The Diabetes Solution, and you should also read Robb Wolf’s book, The Paleo Solution. We’re basically talking about a paleo diet, minus the fruit.

Have your wife eat what you eat - she’ll feel just as great and it will make things worlds easier for you as well :slight_smile:

While traveling, keep in mind that you can usually get eggs and bacon anywhere for breakfast, and you can also usually get a salad just about anywhere for lunch and dinner - you just might have to order double meat or extra avocado or cheese to get enough fat. If you’re stuck at pub-type restaurants, there are usually salads, or you can order a burger sans bun. Tell your server you need to know the gluten-free menu options to get started. Then replace any potato/rice/corn sides with veggies or salad. It’s easier than you think if you make a big of effort :slight_smile: You can do it!

Thanks for the warm welcome

Thanks for the insights - I’ll be on the road next week and will see how well I can do, your suggestions will help.

Welcome to Tudiabetes. This is a good support group. I have been D for 4 years and have navigated this disease with the help of online forums. Different diabetics choose different diets. A lot of us eat to our meters. I know test strips are expensive, I have to buy all my own since my insurance doesn’t cover them. But it is an expense that is worth it. I don’t test after every meal but I do test more in the morning because that is when I spike. I chose low carb because that is what worked for me. Find what workd for you. A good resource book is called DIABETES SOUTIONS by Dr Richard Bernstein. Another good website is BLOOD SUGAR 101 Theese two resources helped me get a handle on what I was dealing with. After 4 years I have a normal HbA1c and am back to my high school weight. Can I eat everything I want, NO but I eat very well and have learned a new way of cooking.

Thanks - I’ve taken a quick look at Blood Sugar 101, will take the time to read in more detail. Congratulations on your success managing your BG!