6 years ago I was fortunate to have a doctor who said I can give you pills ,but changing style your life is the most important, and she gave me a prescription to a great diabetes educations course.
Which I took and embraced. My initial AiC was 12 now doing all the things they told me to, 6 years later A1c of 6.0 no meds,
I have built my life around this and I am healthier and happier for it,
T2 diabetes to me was a wake up call. I am glad I listened.
I am also glad you listened. You were lucky in that you received very good education from the start. Yours is a story of success.
So many newly diagnosed do not get the kind of education that you received. Most are given a prescription for an oral medicine and told to change their lifestyle and then nothing else. Without proper guidance a large number will fail. They are faced with a sense of hopelessness and a doctor that does little more than lecture and prescribe more pills. This is not a prescription for a good relationship that is so badly needed.
Yours is the kind of success story that needs to be heard. We need to know that there is a recipe for success.
That is wonderful news Grasseater. A1C 6.0 and no meds....Good for you. I'm glad that you were given an informative Diabetes course and used it to the fullest. One of my favourite words: Embrace(d). :) Keep up the good work and Stay healthy!
Grasseater---While I'm still doing okay without meds, I am often edgy wondering how long I can maintain that now. The Way of Food is no problem. I like eating this way of eating very much and can't even imagine a desire to go back to the old ways. But I'm in transition to figuring out new ways to exercise because of arthritis, so The Way of Exercise is tricky for me. I do have my Tai Chi and my garden that are still doable, at least!