New Years

New Years is approaching.As I look back on 2009,there were some things that I wish I could change and some things I am happy with.I find myself breaking a New Years resolutions repeatedly and I stopped making them.I just approach issues differently.What resolutions do any of you make and does anyone follow through and succeed with it.There are some that I make and I fall off the wagon.What is your opinion on the New Years resolution.Will there be any changes in your lifestyle?

I think I’ve stopped making New Year’s resolutions so many years ago…Not because I cannot or do not fulfill them nor do not believe in them…because I do. And I think it’s a good way of trying to achieve something. Just like you, I approached issues differently. I make short term and long term goals of activities and changes I wish to do (which is similar to resolutions…) I would say most goals I tried to achieve successfully this year…like being able to achieve full functions of my legs (From an accident last 2008), being able to lower my A1C significantly based on the goal set by my doctor and I, etc. There are “fall offs” like not being able to achieve my ideal weight =( or not being able to complete some of the post Masteral Psychology courses I enrolled in…etc. Sucks…but I guess I just have to try again…
I make goals even in a spur of a moment…that’s why I make them anytime…I just try to be sure that my goals are achievable and reasonable depending on my resources and of course my limitations. Lifestyle change? Not so much changes this year….but there’s so many things to improve. =)