
Well ok not exactlly a newbie. I have been a type 1 diabetic for 22 years now. I started out with 2 daily injections. Im June my doc switched me to the flex pens 4 times a day. Novolog at mean time and Levemir in the evenings. I will admit i do like the flex pens much more then i ever did the syrengies. I am wating on my insurance (medicaid) to approve my pump since my sigars are still very out of controll.

I thought i would introduce myself and maybe i wouldnt feel to much like a stranger.
Diabtes only seems to run in the female side of my family. I have it , my mother has type 2, both of my grand mothers had type 2 but they never really talked about it. Now i am wondering If my little girl is going to have it??? Funny thing to think about huh?

Well thank you for taking the time to read this and listening to me babbble.

Welcome! T1 for over 28 years and still on two insulin injections a day, have always been, and hope to stay with that as it works for me. I was on the pump for a while, until I lost my insurance, so hopefully you get yours soon.

My father was a T1 also, he was diagnosed when he was 2, me when i was3…and 4 others in my family are type 2…so it runs amuck all over the place in my family. But I know plenty of d’s who have had children and no diabetis showed up. So yes weird to think about, but something to keep in mind if she starts to act wacky for a few days…weird your fam never really talked about it…guess that is not a real topic starter…lol.

Again Welcome to the group and thanks for the babble.