Hi all! I’m a new member to your group. I’m using both pen syringe and regular syring . I use my pen for my twenty four hour insulin and my syringe for my sliding scale humuliinR. I just wanted to say hi to all the other people like me who have to use a needle daily. I’m happy to be a part of your group. I’ve only been diagonsed with type two for two months now. All though it seems like an eternity all ready. I’m plenty used to giving the injections now and have settled into my routine for managing my diabetes. Its very nice to meet you all.
Hey Realsis77 ! Glad to have you join our group. I don’t get to visit here as often as I’d like, but I think this is a very interesting and informative group. I am on Lantus (25u/@night) and Humalog to correct for highs and to cover for carbs. I prefer the MDI (multiple daily injection) to the pump, although I’ve never been on the pump. I was diagnosed with type 2 in Oct. of 2005 and have since found out that I’m actually a type 1, since I have the antibody that attacks the insulin that I do still produce and will probably be on insulin for the rest of my life. I lost the weight and exercise and it’s just going to be a daily process to fight and keep this D thing under control. This group and this site helps remind me that I’m not alone in this fight and helps me to never, ever give up. Keep in touch with us all and it’ll make your D life a lot easier to deal with. Good Luck !!
Thank you for your reply! Its good to be in a group where others understand. I’m looking foward to future discussions.