
Quiet a few new things have happened to me within the past 6 months. I started my first year of engineering at university, moved away from home, got diagnosed type 1 diabetic and now writing my first blog! I think Helen Keller said it best "life if either a daring adventure or nothing." Boy has mine ever been an adventure.
Maybe before getting into writing a blog about my diabetic experiences I should give some insight. I was diagnosed January 12, 2012... 2 Days after my 19th birthday. It was a horrible ice storm that day. I went to emergency thinking that my salivary glands weren't working right.... Little did I know my life would change. I spent the next 2 days in the emergency trying to absorb all the information. I honestly didn't know about diabetes. No one in my family has it. I have never felt so alone in my life. My mom and grandmother were there and tried to help, but as much as they try they will never fully understand.I am happy to say today that I do not feel so alone. Everyone in the diabetic community is amazing! I cannot wait for the day someone comes to me and says they are newly diagnosed. I will be as supportive to them as everyone has been to me.
Today I am in honeymoon. I am comfortable with my injections and testing my sugars. I have come to terms that this is "normal". I eat in a cafeteria and I am no longer embarrassed to whip my needle out and give myself an injection in front of everyone!I am who I am! love me or hate me, I am me and I am proud! I am not ashamed of the things I cannot control.
The power of positive thinking is amazing! I know some days suck, but just remember all the amazing things and people in the world! Have a great day. Blogging is fun, maybe I'll keep it up!

Welcome to a fellow Canadian. :) I am glad you found the DOC so soon after your diagnosis! I was diagnosed at age 9 and it took 15 years for me to think to search for "I have Type 1 diabetes" online and find others with it.

I have found connecting with other type 1's have been so helpful! My diabetes educators pointed me in the direction of the DOC. I am glad I found it quickly. Being diagnosed and being so far away from home is a scary thing. It's nice to know how much support there is with just a few clicks away.

Your story is similar to mine! Way to go for what you have accomplished!!

Thanks! Thinking back to when I was diagnosed I never thought I would be able to do this. I am so proud of myself in only 2 months

I am newly diagnosed! j/k. Welcome to the site and community!

Diagnosed 8 mons ago at the ripe old age of 40something..DKA 3 day coma..Got on a plane in Chicago to come home and woke up in an ICU in Florida (I travel for a living) Welcome to the "D" family and blog as much as you like. I love reading! Love, Peace and Broccoli, Jujube!

Welcome. Great to see the good attitude. Challenging field you are going towards but I think the rewards are great once you complete. I’m a software developer and it is challenging at times with diabetes but manageable. Long days sometimes but I try to stay prepared. Take care.

If we could just take the positive attitudes expressed here and bottle it we could make a fortune. But who am I kidding, I would gladly give it away.

Positive thoughts can be contagious. I try to infect everyone as I go through my day.

Continue to be good to yourself and blog away.


Welcome to Tudiabetes. Congratulations on your positive attitude and continuing accomplishments. Cheers! Joanne

Welcome to the club that nobody wants to belong to. Glad you have such a positive attitude. Your life is "normal" for you and us at the DOC.

I was very dehydrated. I had a blood sugar of 37.5! I had no moisture in my mouth. Diabetes doesn't run in my family so that was not a conclusion I jumped to when my mouth was so dry.

Welcome!! Great attitude!