Newly Diagnosed Type 1 + Newly Pregnant


I apologize if this is a repeat and I promise I am trying to learn this forum and community! <3

I am recently diagnosed Type 1 and about 8 weeks pregnant. I am trying so hard to get my blood sugar under control and we are working on getting me a pump. This past few days have been the first my sugars have really been decent.

DH and I heard little one’s heartbeat last week, which brought me to tears, grateful, happy tears.

I know high blood sugar poses a risk, especially in early pregnancy and my OB loves to toss around the word ‘miscarriage’, which frankly terrifies me. My A1C is currently 8.4 (yikes, I know).

Basically, the gist of this long winded post is me begging for tips and tricks and advice and success stories.

Also, morning sickness help too! <3

Thanks for letting me ramble.

Welcome here! You are going to have a huge learning curve. Hang in there. I have had 2 diabetic pregnancies. I was also diagnosed in the first weeks of the first pregnancy.

What worked was low carb eating (check out Bernstein Diabetes University on Utube, or his book Diabetes Solutions), lots and lots of checking, and lots of adjustments.

What insulins are you on? My first pregnancy I was on mixed insulin ( 2 shots a day). That didn’t work so well, because I had to keep eating to keep blood sugars stable. I changed to basal-bolus after that pregnancy and things became way easier.

I basically ate meat and veges and not much else for both my pregnancies. My girls are now 6 and 9 and thriving.

Do you have a Dexcom or other continuous glucose monitor? I didn’t have them, but for me a continuous glucose monitor is the number one most important tool to have on hand!

Ask whatever questions you have. We will do our best to share our experience.

Welcome, this is great place to ask for help and hear about others experiences

Getting a pump helped me reduce my A1C tremendously. But a CGMS is even more helpful. Have you discussed that with your doctor? Or short term try Freestyle Libre to get much better visibility to your BG trends, and how you respond to food, activity, and hormonal changes.

How long ago were you diagnosed T1D ?

Well, my original diagnosis was T2. When oral meds didn’t help AT ALL my regular doctor moved me to Novolog and Tresiba and also referred me to an endo.

Then comes the + pregnancy test.

Endo moved me to Humalog and NPH. Humalog is good, but I suck at timing it properly. NPH didn’t work for me, so we moved me to Levemir which I am liking.

The Medtronic people are working on getting me a pump, hopefully with a CGM. I am supposed to speak to them tomorrow fingers crossed

Thank you for replying!!

Hi!! I was wearing a CGM from my endo, but only they had access to the readings. I am hoping I am able to get a pump with a CGM and should know more tomorrow! <3

I was diagnosed diabetic in June and Type 1 in August.

Is medtronic pump the only one you’re considering? Did doctor tell you about other options?

It is the only option I was told about.

There are many users who tried the latest Medtronic 670 pump with guardian CGMS, and posted their experience here. Some positive, many negative.

I use older Medtronic pump with dexcom CGMS and looking into using T Slim for my next pump, integrated with dexcom CGMS.

You can search this site for discussions, and decide if you want to discuss other options with your doctor. If you have united health care, they prefer only coverage for medtronic. Many also like the tubeless omnipod. Your doctor
or CDE should give you info about all options.

I used Humalog and Levemir for both my pregnancies.

Humalog may need to be pre-dosed. Ie. Dose 10 - 15 minutes before eating (if you are going high first, but low later)…. you have to experiment to work out your carb:insulin ratios as well. And the great thing in pregnancy is that these ratios can change a lot!

I’m typically normal and then spike a little high. I have been able as of late to keep it under 150 post meals. @JustLookin

I will have to look. I wasn’t even told about any options. It was just this is the pump and here is who you need to call.

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You can find more information on pregnancy HERE

Thank you Mila!!

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I would agree that a CGM may be more helpful to you right now. I’ve been T1 for almost 20 years now, and when I was in my first trimester of pregnancy early this year, my numbers ran low, low, low ALL the time. In fact, I was able to get away with eating a LOT of things I don’t normally eat just because nothing was giving me any spikes to my blood sugar. And I have a Dexcom, so I could sit and watch it. I also had hypoglycemic unawareness and could have a blood sugar in the 50s before I realized it. Usually the third trimester is when blood sugars get more unstable, although mine really weren’t bad, so I think it just depends on the person.
But keeping your blood sugar under control is totally doable!

You’ll be sent to a MFM or high risk doctor, and have extra scans (more photo opportunities!) and probably have to show everyone you see a log of your blood sugars (although I told my mfm that my endo was managing my blood sugars and that my a1c was fine and they left me alone about them). You’re at a higher risk for a big baby, and although that’s not clinically supposed to be a reason for them to induce, many practices still do that (more of a c.y.a. thing for ob’s vs any new, real research done on the topic, so you may have to fight to keep bub in longer). I hope you do your research and find providers who are willing to work with you.

I developed pre-e and had an emergency c-section at 34w6d but my bub was 7lbs 9oz and 20 inches long. I knew he wasn’t going to last the full 40 weeks, but I was thinking he’d make it 38 or so. Nope! But after a bit of a NICU stay, he’s perfectly healthy & growing like a weed. People ask “how many months is he?” And I have to tell them “he’s only 6 weeks!” The look on their faces!!! :smiley: He’s got big genes in his family though, so we really didn’t stand a chance of having a small baby!

You can do it! Good luck and feel free to ask anything you need!

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Thank you!! We are still working on my pump, but I did learn it will come with a CGM, so that is a yay!!

I am glad to hear baby is well! <3

You’re NOT type 1. It seems idiosynchratic that your diabetologist has told you that you are T1D you mention that you were diagnosed in June as a T2D this isnt unusual in pregnancy. Worry not the chances are high that you’ll revert back once your pregnancy is successfully concluded.
I know of many females in mid to late pregnancy who have been diagnosed as T2D but have been put on insulin as their BG is very high. It is quite a strain in your body to have high BG whilst pregnant but the major problem is your baby may be VERY healthy, by that I mean BIG. It’s not unusual for diabetic women who are pregnant and poorly controlled (high BG) to have quite large babies around 12lbs upwards obviously a great strain. The baby is often a bit lethargic but soon sorts itself out after a week or so
Please dont worry in 6 months time you’ll PROBABLY not need any meds when you’re running around after your little boy/girl.
Trust me I know this well.

Congratulations on your little one!

You’ve gotten some good advice thus far, and some concerning advice. Quite honestly, I’m concerned with your endo not diagnosing you as T1D initially, then starting you on NPH, and then recommending the Medtronic pump. Is he not aware that the Medtronic 670g in automode is not appropriate for pregnancy because of its targets being too high for pregnancy? He should have shown you all available options for cgm and pumps and then let you decide. Is it too late to do so now?

I’d recommend getting a copy of this book:

One of the authors, Jenny Smith, works for Gary Scheiner at Integrated Diabetes Services She has T1D herself and has two beautiful boys. IDS offers pregnancy services as well as other services. I can’t recommend Jenny highly enough. She would get you off to a terrific start of learning to manage T1D well as well helping you with the added challenges of a pregnancy with the experience of someone who is a CDE and knows T1D firsthand.

How can you say she’s not T1D? Many adults are misdiagnosed initially as T2D unless they present in DKA.

Because adults do not get T1D it is a misdiagnosis.

In the dark distant past there were TWO types of Diabetes Juvenile and Senile. These terms were effectively deemed inappropriate.

In the very early days Doctors performed a urine analysis called the dip and lick test to diagnose this condition . Yes your right in your thoughts. Many people were misdiagnosed and died from DKA. Even then many still did die as it was very hard to treat as it is now treated via sliding scale and fluids including NaCl (Sodium Chloride) and Potassium.

It was originally called ‘Melting Disease’ as the person seemed to melt away. The term Diabetes Mellitus was derived from this. Diabetes Insipidus another of the ‘family’ is another vile condition where patient’s thirst is so bad they have been known to drink insatiably from their own bath to try and satiate their unrivalled thirst. Though the two main symptoms are similar Polydipsia and Polyuria the conditions are entirely different.

My parents were told by the amazing Dr Chance and the awesome Sister Jukes who bought me through my early weeks in Birminghams Childrens hospital in Ladywood with their skill and expertise as well as Professor Mallins at the General in Birmingham I’d be VERY luck to survive into my teens.

I was placed on an Alfonal Diet low animal fat and protein. This was at the time believed to be the cause of diabetic complications leading to blindness, loss of limbs and kidney failure. Subsequently it was discovered that in fact Zinc which was added to insulin and used to slow down it absorption and other impurities in fact were causing blocked arteries. Indeed currently loss of limbs in T1D is much rarer but T2D still present often because of problems with feet, ulceration etc…

There are now it is believed 12 types of T2D one of which is diagnosed later but it is still T2D. MANY people present with DKA but that is not a T1D diagnosis.

Most GPs see so few T1Ds they assume and state, "Oh this is T1D because you need insulin. This is NOT a diagnosis this is a treatment plan.

Many are missed entirely and die.

I almost bet my bottom dollar that once her beautiful baby is born most of her symptons will disappear probably entirely.

Far to many doctors even highly respected ones much up on the diagnosis as T1D is VERY rare. It’s almost a feather in their professional caps to ‘find’ one.

In pregnancy the female body goes through massive strain.

Generally the person is eating far more in preparation for the birth and lots more carbs are consumed. The body reacts by over production of insulin causing a depletion needing medication often tablets BEFORE insulin therapy begins. T2D presents and may well need correction due to the pregnancy and dangers of large babies being born, so insulin is prescribed. My 60 year research suggests that in 99 out of 100 hundred cases the mother after birth within weeks to months loses the diabetic condition and becomes cured. Sadly VERY sadly people are misinformed. There is absolutely NO cure for T1D.

In fact not so long ago people with anorexia were given insulin in tiny doses to encourage appetite. Does that make them T1D of course not.

You will see she will be fine at worst a T2D but ALWAYS T1D is an Autoimmune condition where for some reason the persons body attacks itself and destroys the Islet of Langergans cells in the pancreas. It is STILL not understood how or why but there is research going on suggesting it can and often is a coincidence associated with some kind of viral childhood infection.

I at 2 was an inquisitive child and I was exploring my parents living room. Electrical plugs in the UK were different in those days and I managed to unscrew the top of the plug socket and touched the live wires. I got an electric shock from the socket squealed and cried.

10 days later I was taken to the GP as I’d bumped into a small glass door breaking a glass panel and my mom wanted the doctor to check if I had glass in my ears. She mentioned, in passing, that I’d suddenly started to drink loads and had started to wet the bed again. He didn’t, as many might have, suggest it was a reaction to the shock or an infection, He was very clued into what was in those days a relatively unusual condition and its symptoms at 2, I was born as a T1D. I was fortunate. Even to this day my mom and dad tell everyone it was caused by the electric shock. Coincidently I’d had Measles (before MMR) and its likely that is what set things in motion but uncertain. It is also been researched that maybe MMR or BCG allergic reactions could set this in motion, in truth no one knows.

Interestingly the incidence of T1D has risen by around 4% per annum again coincidently after the large amounts of well meaning and loving parents became concerned, alarmed even that the MMR vaccine caused Autism and many refused this very important inoculation. Subsequently the theory about MMR and Autism has been completely disproved and most but not all parents now accept the SCIENTIFIC evidence put before them. There are more cases of Measles now than in the past 25 years partly due to the vaccine refusal and partly due to the influx of children who haven’t been inoculated in their country of origin. It seems this condition will never be understood fully by anyone, cured eventually . . maybe , we can all hope.

In 1958 the use of MMR was not so common and the SUGAR cube inoculation was used to prevent Measles and Mumps. I was younger so hadn’t had that yet and in fact I never got the earlier Sugar cube vaccine because you guessed I’d become a type 1.

Insulin is a treatment NOT a diagnosis.

Please do your research before throwing your arms up in horror at what I’ve said.

I’m ALMOST 100% certain this young mom will be fine and her baby is likely to be larger than the norm.

Theresa May is an insulin dependent T2D one of the 12 different T2D types who presented late in life. She was put forward as an icon of T1D and it not being ‘the end of the world’.

She doesn’t fit the ‘norm’ for T2D she wasnt overweight or eating badly she was one of the unfortunate type 2 but after some criticism it was announced that she falls in to the T2D 12 groups.

It is doctors who make foolish claims about this awful condition. But it is a certainty that T1D is a childhood condition.

I’m so sorry for ANYONE who gets this disease but it doesn’t change mine or many other researchers, ebdocrinilogists andxscientists conclusions

Good luck.



Hi. I was diagnosed well before my pregnancy and they also ran the proper blood work. I was diagnosed in May and became pregnant in late August.