I was diagnosed on 12/18/13 as a Type 2 Diabetic. I was informed by telephone by my PCP's RN who blurted out "your blood sugar is 350 you are a diabetic, he wants you to take Metforim, what is your pharmacy". I was basically on my own. I had to ask for a meter, diabetes educator, etc. I meet with the diabetes educator on 1/23 so at least I can get an idea of what I should be doing. My initial blood sugar level was 350, I have got it down to 160 prior to meals and 169-190 after meals. I am taking 500mg Metforim 2x/day. I think I am not doing too bad for being on my own so far. I recently went to see my PCP's PA because I had a sinus infection/bronchitis. I was put on antibiotics - I asked the PA if the antibiotics would cause any problem with my blood sugar levels - she looked at me rather quizzingly and stated "no, are you testing your blood sugar levels?" To which I replied yes. She told me that I do not have to do that and I don't have to watch the number of carbs just take the Metforim and exercise. Wow I am now really confused. Anyone have any thoughts? I am 59 y/o and would love to have my eye sight and feet when I am 90!!!
Keep on testing and record your results. Try to include what and when you are eating, too. When you see the CDE, I think you should be prepared to ask for referral to another doctor. A BG of 350 is very high, and always being over 160 is not good. How will your doctor know how well you are responding if they don't have any data? I hope you can find a health team that is a little more proactive.
You have been given typical advice for a new T2. I agree with Michelle, your numbers, while improved are still too high. My personal goal is never to go over 140 because there is evidence that this is where damage starts.
T2 means our metabolism cannot deal with carbs, especially fast acting carbs. Carbs cause our blood sugar to rise to damaging levels. I have found that cutting the foods that are causing the problem is essential to meeting my goals. The way to find out which foods you need to cut is through frequent testing. This is often referred to as "Eat to Your Meter" The bloodsugar101 website has a very good explanation of how to implement this system.
My initial fingerstick was 392 but I was able to meet my blood sugar goals quickly by identifying my problem foods and eliminating them from my diet. This testing required the purchase of a large number of strips but I gradually cut back on the testing because I understood my bodies reaction to carbs. Now I test to confirm that my numbers are staying in range.
Thank you for your advice. I am very determined to get my BG in the normal range.
Thanks for your advice, I read the bloodsugar101 website and now realize that I need to test more frequently to determine what food is working for me and what food is causing a rise in the BG. I also hope that the CDE will be able to give me good advice also. Now that I see how to determine what foods work for my body and what doesn't. I really feel very alone in what to do, but I think reading the posts here and asking questions will greatly help me get in control. Thanks
I think you are off to a good start. Getting info and figuring out what works for you is the most important thing. For the most part, I've had to figure out my disease myself. If you have a good CDE they will be able to help. If you don't, you just need to help yourself. I think the most important thing you can learn is to eat to your meter and to get some exercise.
Thanks. I am glad I found this group because using your experiences, both positive and negative can assist folks like me who are new to this disease. I just wish that a month ago that I would have learned about eating to your meter, but it is not too late to begin and when I meet with the CDE next week I will have an additional tool to help me. This is very overwhelming and the intial feelings of OMG what can I eat or worse I can't eat that ever again (which I found is not true) is a challenge. But I have dug my heels in and I have to be my own advocate and learn anything and everything I can to help myself. Thanks again for your thoughts. I look forward to "talking" to the folks of this group in our journey together.
I know this is all new to you and it's easy to get overwhelmed. The advice I have given you about "Eat to Your Meter" is not supported by most medical professionals.
Most of us who follow this system end up cutting their carb intake drastically, exactly how much and what types depends on what your meter tells you. For myself I have had to cut all grains as well as potatoes, sugar, fruit and legumes. Many medical professionals will tell you this is a very unhealthy diet or that it is unsustainable.
There is actually abundant research saying their advice is wrong, but this has not filtered down to the average person giving advice about treatment for T2. I have been eating between 30 and 50 grams of carbs per day for 4.5 years and have no trouble sticking to my diet. The reason is that I too want to retain my eyesight and feet and I find it to be a satisfying way of eating.
My best advice is to educate yourself about T2 and diet and make up your own mind about a path forward. If you do receive push back from from your medical team you can then defend your decisions or simply ignore their advice.
Here are some additional resources:
Low Carb Dietitian website. The sites author, Franziska Spritzler is a RD and CDE. I would recommend reading her blog from front to back. She has blood sugar issues of her own and her blog posts are well researched and footnoted. Franziska also did a video interview here on tuD recently, that I found very informative.
The Bernstein Group here on tuD. Read all the back posts and discussions, Although many members are not as strict with their diet as Dr. B. recommends you'll find lots of advice from folks walking the walk and talking the talk, as well as some recipe ideas from time to time.
This site is also a great resource. If you decide to try a low carb approach there are several low carb recipe groups. The general discussions are also an excellent resource.
There are also tons of Low carb recipe sites on the internet in general. Some of the Paleo sites also have recipes that work for T2's.
Sorry you received this troubling diagnosis. It's good that you're not in denial about this. This is a consequential diagnosis. You have a great attitude about trying to learn all you can about T2D.
I am a T1D but we share some of the same challenges. Diabetes (both T1 & T2) is a disease of carbohydrate intolerance. Don't believe anyone who downplays the role that carbs play in your blood glucose control. Be ready to realistically adjust the level of respect that you may have for doctors and other health care professionals. They are not gods! Their overall sense of what it takes to control diabetes is lacking. You are your best doctor because you are the only one with skin in the game.
Learn as much as you can about T2D. There are a lot of great sources on the internet and many knowledgeable people have written books on the subject. The "eat to your meter" advice you've already received is golden. The power of this phrase is awesome. Accept that there will be some foods that you've previously enjoyed that will no longer be healthy for you. You will, however, take new joy in eating other foods that will keep your glucose in range. You will develop a new appreciation for the energy you'll feel when your blood sugar metabolism is controlled.
Exercise, even as simple as daily walking, is critical to making everything work. Good luck. Your chances of living a full and complication-free life can be greatly improved just by following a few simple rules. Don't let the doctors confuse you; trust your own counsel the most!
Thank you for your comments and list of additional resources. Wow I am so glad that I found this group.
Thanks for saying about the new joy of the foods I can eat. I will begin the "eat your meter" immediately it makes so much sense. I can't believe how much better I feel just being on the metforim for a month and watching the carbs. I do exercise everyday, 5 miles a day on my exercise bike and walking my dog. I've had bronchitis and a sinus infection just after the holidays so I have not been back to the gym since prior to the holidays. Going back starting Sunday so I can get back into my water aerobics and weight machines. I need to loose weight and I know that alone will help. Thank you to those who created this group, I feel lucky to have found you and look forward to our "working" together.
Find yourself another doctor. My doctor wants me to have blood work every three months. I was diagnosed in 1998. Should have your A1C checked.