No Lantus Burn! Yay!

The transition to Levemir is going well so far -- very well.

My first-in-a.m. blood glucose was within 3 mg/dl of my last-in-p.m. blood glucose. When does that ever happen? I also did a basal test in the afternoon (tested before I ate, bolused with Novolog, then tested at four hours, then again at six hours) and the Levemir held my base-line rock steady right where it was before I ate. Yay.

Best of all: NO LANTUS BURN! My Lantus shots were pretty darn painful about half the time (more like a bee-sting than an injection) but the Levemir goes in as quietly and nicely as the Novolog. WHEW. (You gotta be a diabetic when you can honestly describe an injection as "nice", right?)

Thanks to everyone who gave me their thoughts and support during this transition. I was pretty anxious about it, cuz anxious is what I do, but now I'm quite relieved.

Go Team TuDiabetes. Y'all rock!

Very happy to hear all the positives! The acidic Lantus sting was annoying. Rather have a quick pain than that sensation. I take Vit B injections & they sting as well.

Levemir wins hands down in every dept.

Thanks, Gerri. I am so relieved!

When I went from Lantus to Levemir, it was "No Lantus Headache! Yay!". I'm really glad that it's going well for you.

Interesting to know that there is a "lantus-acidic burn". Hope your classical guitar playing or listening is giving you enjoyment. I enjoy the story of Dr Richard J Bernstein also. Especially, his real life stories of how the diabetic culture was years past. His struggles and discoveries. The support he got from only a selected amount of diabetes group, and how he says that the ADA was a trade group. I wish you good health and good numbers.

sorry, folks Richard "K" Bernstein.

Thanks, Relentless-a-matic! The guitar study is going quite well -- when I'm not playing I'm either listening or humming or planning my next guitar adventure. It takes my mind to beautiful places where there is not a needle or a blood-glucose worry in least for a while.