Thank You!:)

Wow! What a nice surprise when I just logged on tonight!:) Thank you for all the warm welcome notes:) I might not get to post things as much as some of you.

My new family keeps me pretty busy:) I moved from Massachusetts about a year and a half ago to Georgia and got married this past August. I had no children of my own but thanks to my husband I now have 4 grown step children and 4 beautiful grandchildren to love and spoil rotten:) They are 4 months, 6 months, 2 years and 6 years old. I get to babysit the 6 month old in the mornings while her mom goes to college. She wants to be a dentist!:)

I try to learn as much as I can about diabetes by researching online. One thing I just found out was that I was a bit confused about the difference between Type I and Type 2 diabetes. I was under the impression that since I'm on insulin now, that I went from Type 2 to Type I. Not true. I'm still Type 2, just insulin dependent.
I'm still on oral medication too. I've been thinking of switching from my PCP to an Endocrinologist because she doesn't seem to be too swift dealing with diabetes.
She's not big on ordering any tests either.
I was on just Metformin and Glimepiride prior to about 6 months ago when my blood sugars stopped being controlled by just the oral medication. Since I was on the maximum dose of both, my Dr. added Lantus at bedtime, starting at about 20 units, gradually going higher and higher. She told me to keep increasing it until my am blood sugar was around 100. Well, I got up to 94 units and it still isn't 100 in the morning. I had one day it was 115. Recently had to change from Lantus to Levemir because my insurance isn't going to cover it anymore.
So she told me to start with 50 units in the morning and 50 units in the evening. Tomorrow will be the first 24 hours on Levemir. So far, I think I'm going to like it better. If any of you have had experience switching from Lantus to Levemir, I would appreciate hearing how you find the difference.

Well, I have typed a book here! Must close for tonight. Thank you again.

A dentist?! Good grief! Elfs make toys! Now you get back to work, or you're fired! (Sorry, i really couldn't help it, lol. My 3yr old watches that movie about 5 times a day it feels like.)

Welcome to TuD! And because it will come up eventually, have you had recent c-peptide or antibody testing? You might actually be type 1 and not know it. It's a much more common occurrence than many doctors are willing to admit. If you haven't seen an endo yet you should definitely do so! No need to switch from your pcp just yet unless you want to, of course. Something to think about at least while you are researching! Best of luck, and again, welcome!

Nice to have u here with us! WELCOME!!!