Not happy with new T- slim software šŸ˜‘

VI have no intention to change pumps- tslim is the best for safety as far as Iā€™m concerned. However I am ā€œallowed ā€ to critique the dumb changes which were by the way made due to people complaining- the removal of air with a syringe being one.

That one should not have been done. No purpose to it since you could,just do it with a syringe anyway if you think thatā€™s betterā€¦ If people canā€™t wait 30seconds something is wrong with them so why should the rest of us have to suffer. As for the fill menu that really needs to be changed because itā€™s dangerous not only a hinderence. Getting stuck in the fill menu is not ok. I expect better from something which costs so much and which overall is well designed.

I also would never use a pump with any thing but a touch screen and with the variety of dosing for small basal doses and other things which I need. Iā€™m used to this pump and being used to a pump is very important to avoiding potentially fatal errors.

Yes it would be nice to have custom made but that will never happen - and if it did I couldnā€™t afford it for sure :joy_cat:

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The reason for the beep on fill tubing is to warn you in case you have forgotten to disconnect your inset. So there is a valid reason for it- to avoid overdose. I find it very annoying too but it could one day save my life so Iā€™ll tolerate it. Even if there were a deactivate on that one Iā€™d prolly just leave it on.

I agree that this is still the pump for me too but Iā€™m not happy with all of this and Iā€™m stuck with it obviously. The load menu traps you in it also that is just not safe and is cray. That shouldā€™ve been the first thing to be changed. Iā€™ll have to reply more later. In a hurry.

Yes I find the change basal alert very annoying too since Iā€™m continually shutting off basal for droppingā€™s Bg. I think I made it better by lowering the volume on that one to almost nil and now I barely notice it. Fill tubing beep I will just tolerate because it could save my life one day- not like I have a choice anyway. :joy: I fill every 3-4 days so it is a real pain with all the other things that bother me much more.

When it comes to diabetes, I assume that I should never say never, but filling a cartridge with the tubing attached to me is something that I would never do. I suppose it is because I use my cartridges for about 3 infusion sets and the only time I change the tubing is when I change the cartridge. Plus when I take the old cartridge out, the tubing goes with it. And if I were distracted enough to make that mistake, the beep wouldnā€™t do anything to remind me anyway.

But that is my 2 cents. If the FDA knew the things that we did with our pumps and insulin on a daily basis, theyā€™d never let us use any of it. IMO the most dangerous mistake that people make with insulin is taking their short-acting in place of their long-acting. So for me I feel the pump is safer because I only use one kind of insulin.


Yes. With d that is a good rule to live by for sure. Never say never. It could happen. That is why I accept that one more easily because I see a valid reason for it. Because of the way the whole load system is designed if you were tired and forgot to remove your tubing it could happen. I have done a lot crazy stuff with this disease due to the fatigue and stress of constantly having to deal with all of this. T slim overall is much safer for overdoses though so this will be my pump unless someone else follows that direction of more safety. I agree shots are much more dangerous for so many reasons.

  • it would be great if they could figure out a way for the pump to detect if your tubing is detached from the inset.

One thing I didnā€™t think of is that I donā€™t use insets or any of the sets where the tubing comes attached to the cannula part of the set. With Comfort Shorts the tubing and infusion set are two separate pieces in the pack and the infusion set is always inserted before any tubing is attached. But when you mention insets, I see how someone could forget to detach the tubing.

But donā€™t you still have to detach it when you fill tubing etc? I use contact detach they have a separate part with tubing between that part but I still have to detach the longer tubing from it before filling when I change insets. It would be less likely to do that if youā€™re changing the cartridge. I often detach the tube from the inset before I start the load menu.

When I change a cartridge I always detach the tubing from the infusion set. Then when I remove the cartridge from the pump, the old tubing is removed with it. I then put in the new cartridge and attach the new tubing which has never yet been attached to the infusion set. After the tubing is filled, I attach it to the infusion set. If it is a new set, I fill the cannula. If itā€™s an already-in-place infusion set, I just attach and go. So for me there is no danger in filling tubing that is attached to an infusion set.

The danger is more probabaly when you change a set not a cartridge. If you forget to detach and start filling youā€™ll overdose. I said Iā€™d never inject the wrong insulin- well I didnā€™t say that most likely because I know better- but I did it twice. ā– ā– ā– ā–  happens. All it takes is a moment of distraction, fatigue etc.