Not how I saw this going

Bare with me as I search for the words..Christmas day I was so excited. Opening our precious gift to find we would be adding a baby girl to our family in May. Announcing it to everyone, we were so excited. I started having some problems with cramps and bleeding, and placed on bed rest. Early this morning it returned, but this time there was no happy ending. No sigh of relief to hearing the heartbeat. We learned that when we got to the hospital, there was no heartbeat to be found..our baby girl is gone. She was here one day, and gone the next. Not for sure at the moment what even happened to cause this. Thankfully my husband got off work today, this is the most broken our hearts have been..

i am so sorry but next time will be better & you will have a beautiful baby
it probably was not meant to be
we are all here for you

I am sorry to the loss will never be forgotten. I had the same thing happen to me with my first baby, but I am the mom of a healthy 23 year old that came soon after. Get a good doctor who believes that people with diabetes are able to have babies too. Not all think like that. They can watch you closely and I pray that you will be blessed.

Thank you to the both of you. It's hard trying to understand why... Thank you for the positive thoughts and prayers, we appreciate them tons!

I'm sorry for you and your husband. Please take care.

I am so sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself and take time to heal. When the time is right find the best high risk ob you can (if you don't have already ). Please don't spend too much time on the Internet. I know it's cliché but time heals. My heart breaks for you and your family, loving thoughts with you.

I am sorry for your loss. You will always remember and grieve but with lessening intensity. The why is often not known. There is much evidence that early losses such as this are often caused by very difficult genetic problems that were not compatible with life. But, without medical testing you likely won't ever know. Just try to think in terms of "it was not meant to be" and that is hard but at least understandable. My sympathies to you and your husband.

Thank you so much...

Sending sympathy, sorry for your loss. I fully understand the loss.

What a painful loss for you and your family. I will continue to hold you in my thoughts and prayers in this difficult time.

Thank you so much, just taking it day by day at this point..