Not Type1. I guess

So - I’m back on my pump after been a total idiot… 4 days without insulin.
Total emotional melt down.

the inserting thing? did’n really have ketones showing up until today.(The darkest in the red color for urine ketones but only 0.6 in the blood). more and more positive that i’m not your’e classic T1. :confused:

Still waiting for my c-peptide results. But i won’t be surprised.

With T1/LADA you may have a honeymoon that goes for years. And you may be able to get by without insulin at times. This doesn’t make you not T1/LADA, it just means that it is slow onset.

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After 13 years. and i do end up in dka often. :stuck_out_tongue:
But i guess i’m just not a “classic” T1…

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Slow onset of type I diabetes is a significant subset of the type I group. I don’t think people think of juvenile fast onset diabetes as the “classic type.”

If anything, in type I diabetes it’s classic that we all have a fundamental insufficiency of insulin and we absolutely must take external insulin to survive. We often refer to classic symptoms at diagnosis as an unquenchable thirst, frequent urination, and an overwhelming lethargy.

As non-classic as I am for the T2… Welcome to Classic Type-Weird, @Kittywolf :smiley:

Weird is better.

Wow even after 16 months of #doc I got feeling I was only non classic ie fast onset T1. Am now on pump 19 yrs in. Until about 13 years ago my diabetes came on slowly. Since my thyroid packed in too it has become ‘full blown’ T1. This group is great in other groups seems people don’t understand if your situation isn’t exactly the same as theirs.

So You think that there’s some people that have a slower onset?
Because as mentioned above i also don’t seem to have any antibodies…

Definitely my dx was in pregnancy 19 years ago but had symptoms for years looking back. Am T1 on pump and c peptide result was too low to measure. Used to think I was only one but meeting pwd diagnosed in adulthood seems fairly common slow onset. Also I know of a 16 yr old dx in last 18 months she doesn’t show antibodies a small % don’t hun.

I think there are a lot of things that are unclear. I have a low c-peptide when taken and no antibodies. Been on insulin for three years and a pump the last year. My Dx still says Type 2, but for me, there’s no difference…

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Do you remember the numbers for your c-peptide?

Of course I do … The first time, it was taken NOT fasting and was 1.2 at a lab where the reference range (fasting) was 0.7 to 2.2. Subsequently, c-peptide tests were done fasting at a lab with a reference range of 1.1 - 4.4. My results were 0.7 and 0.6. In each case, my BG was in the normal range. What were your results?

This was in 2012. they said that it means 2.3 which is till “normal range”. just re-did it but i think it will also be normal.
I have no idea what the deal is. because if I don’t take insulin i will get ketones within 2-3 days tops (and sometimes within 24 hours).

I have no idea what it was in diagnosis back in 2002.

Yes certainly there are many of us wierd ones. I started on insulin with my first pregnancy 7.5 years ago. Been on it ever since with a very slow increase in insulin dosing since then (aside from pregnancy when industrial doses were required). I tested negative to gad. Cpeptide a few years back was low normal. I started with about 12u/day send now use 30 - 60 units of insulin/day now depending on the time of the month and if i eat carbs or not . I still think i could get away with no insulin for a while if i ate 0 carbs. Never yet had a ‘formal’ diagnosis …