OmniPod/Dexcom App

I’ve searched this forum and not found what I am looking for.
Is there an app that will combine OmniPod info (insulin and carbs) with Dexcom (blood sugar)?
I current use sugarmate but don’t want to input insulin and carb info twice.
I’m not asking about an app that will deliver insulin.

Thank you!

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Have you tried Diasend ?

Although they are still working on support of the Dexcom G6. But if you have the G4 or G5 it should work and integrate the data.

Glooko does this. And it’s free for OmniPod users.

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@Bonnie11 Tidepool also does this for free. They are heavily subsidized by JDRF which is why the free part. They are also working on a freeware loop program with the FDA’s blessing

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I am certainly interested in all answers; I’ve used the Omnipod for years but only started with the Dexcom G6 less than 10 days ago (first sensor). So far I’ve been double entering; carbs/freestyle test strip on the Omnipod PDM then enter carbs and insulin bolus on the Dexcom receiver. This clearly doesn’t work; there is no way to enter an extended bolus on the Dexcom and it doesn’t know anything about the basal, so it’s not clear to me how Dexcom expect their Clarity app to produce any useful information.

I’ve used Glooko unethusiastically; it’s just extra work, but I’ll put the effort in now to see how well it manages the G6. It will be interesting to see what it does with the different BG readings (the G6 is currently reading 20mg/dl higher than the Omnipod PDM).

John Bowler

I’ve tried Glooko but you don’t get the info in real time - or I can’t figure out how to do it. I have to upload the info. Is that your experience? Also I don’t know that it works properly with the G6 yet.
I practice Sugar Surfing and normally make decisions based on all the factors but at the moment I have to toggle between dex and OmniPod

Have not tried Tidepool
Will take a look. Thank you

Thank you
I have the G6 so Glooko not working properly
Have not tried Diasend but will look into it

I’m with you
I love the Dexcom and sugarmate apps but they don’t automatically pick up boluses and carbs

This looks interesting but they don’t service G6 yet
I’ll keep an eye on this one for sure


I just checked the Glooko app and it allows you to connect Dexcom into Glooko at the backend so your cgm data would flow (on a 3-hour delay) automatically from the Dexcom servers over to the Glooko servers. Assuming you are using the G5 or G6 mobile app on your phone and sending the cgm data (more or less) continuously up to the Dexcom servers.

Which is nice.

Diasend still has a message that it does not support this (back end server-to-server connection). As Diasend and Glooko are the same company now (although apparently still two different interfaces), I submitted a ticket to Diasend asking why they can not enable this functionality just as it is done in Glooko.

Our Endo provider uses both Diasend and Clarity such that we find it convenient to stick with these apps as well. Neither Diasend nor Clarity incurs any sort of additional end-user charge to us.

Oh no, sorry. I didn’t realize you were looking for it in real-time. I thought you were just looking for a place to collect all the data. My bad!

If you are on Apple, then Tidepool supports G6. If you are in Android it will be available in the next few days.

Also heard that there will be an XDrip /Tidepool bridge available soon via XDrip! Woo-hoo!

Log in to Glooko (it is impossible to link the two from Dexcom), do the following. NOTE: you must have javascript enabled in both the dexcom and glooko web sites for this to work, I disable javascript by default and had to enable the whole of glooko to even log in:


After logging in to

  1. At the top of the screen locate “settings”, mouse click on it.
  2. Observe: a page titled “My profile” is displayed.
  3. Go to (scroll to) the bottom of the displayed page.
  4. Observe: paragraph “Apps & Devices” and in the enclosing box (below it) “Dexcom account”, it says something like “connect to …”, I no longer have a record because I clicked on it :wink:
  5. Mouse click on the Dexcom account area.

Your web browser will be taken to the dexcom web site where you will be asked to consent to various things. I chose the “optional” option to back link my glooko data into my Dexcom account, so we will see what manner of brown stuff descends from the heavens in response to the fact that the Glooko data from Omnipod is consistently 20mg/dl lower than the Dexcom data.

Bottom line is that it appears pretty easy to link the two and I can download both devices on this machine quite easily.

John Bowler

It looks like Glooko/Dexcom are broken. The UTC time here is (at the moment of typing) “Mon Oct 15 04:37:27 UTC 2018”, the local time is (at the moment of typing) “Sun Oct 14 21:38:55 PDT 2018”; i.e. I am 7 hours behind UTC.

Glooko reports three separate syncs (all changed to 24 hour format):
Omnipod: 21:11 on the 14th
Dexcom account: 23:59 on the 14th
Dexcom G6: 03:48 on the 15th

The Decom web site reports the last uploaded G6 reading at 20:48 on the 14th, so this is the standard computer programmer time zone incompetence. These days that is not forgivable.

Nevertheless, despite that really big error the “graph” display in Glooko appears to have the timezone correct, which makes me wonder what will happen when I go to the UK (8 hours ahead) or Taiwan (16 hours ahead). I’m probably going to give up and change both devices to UTC, I am getting totally fed up with the unnecessary Omnipod PDM failures when I take a transatlantic or transpacific flight.

Other displays in Glooko have the CGM time zone clearly wrong; graphs/calendar is showing readings at midnight from the CGM (as I type it is 10:03PM) while the Omnipod readings stop at about 9PM (that is “correct”, assuming you believe that local time can ever be correct.)

I tried to find the CGM data in the Glooko log book. I can’t find it; the Omnipod readings are all there, the log book asserts it is showing both, but it is clearly not doing so.

As of this point my conclusion is that Glooko is useless; the next step is to find out how to get this data into an Excel spread sheet.

John Bowler

I do the same - sugar surf and toggle between the (cumbersome) screen of the Omnipod PDF, and my Dexcom, to gather info and make decisions…it works, but takes more mental energy than is necessary.

It does make the TSlim attractive, as at least the pump is using the data from the dexcom to prevent lows. Though I’m not sure even that system combined it all into one app?

Hopefully this is coming soon for Omnipod users!

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@Bonnie11 Tidepool now fully supports Dexcom G6, and Tandem Basal IQ

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Every time I’ve thought about this for the last ten years or so, ever since I’ve had a BG meter that logged BG readings, I’ve got annoyed. It’s not because my blood sugar is high.

It is ridiculously simple to come up with an interchange standard for this data. The data delivered by all these devices is actually minimal:

  1. Blood glucose meters log BG at specific times; that’s just a number and a time, the latter in UTC format (so it doesn’t change when you get into an airplane).
  2. The Dexcom CGM does the same thing but it logs every 5 minutes. That’s actually just a list of BG readings; a time is only needed at the start and when data is dropped because you are away from the receiver for more than 3 hours.
  3. The Omnipod insulin management system just delivers 0.05IU of insulin at a time, so the data is simply a list of times! The system doesn’t even need to store the amount of insulin; it is always 0.05IU because that cannot be changed. The insulin delivery typically happens every 5 minutes with spikes of about 1/second during boluses.
  4. Omnipod also receives information about carbs from the user and uses this in the time calculations. That is pretty inaccurate information but it can be logged trivially as grammes of carbohydrate by approximate time of ingestion. That is all the Omnipod PDM receives.

I simply do not understand why the manufacturers as a group haven’t had a basic data standard for 10 or more years to allow this information to be interchanged. There are accepted international standards (like XML) for implementing such standards (known as schemas) and, indeed, some manufactures use XML any but with proprietary or at least undocumented schemas.

John Bowler

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This isn’t exactly correct.

It does deliver in 0.05 unit increments, but for basal, the time between delivery is based on the basal amount.

For example, if your basal is set to 1.0 units per hour, then 0.05 units would be delivered every 3 minutes. If your basal was 0.60 units per hour, it would be every 5 minutes. If your basal was 0.30 units per hour, it would be every 10 minutes.

60 / (basal units per hour / 0.05) = time in minutes between delivery for basal

That’s what I meant: my basal is 12 IU/day, 0.5IU/hour or 10 0.05IU shots; one every 6 minutes. A pure basal is pretty much determined by our bodies. [Rubin 2011,] provides an analysis of the commonly assumed (simplistic) dependency on weight; I suspect doctors could get a better answer from weight+BMI, or height+BMI (they’re equivalent since BMI is determined by weight+height).

I weigh 80kg and so my dose is 0.15IU/kg-day - actually below the low end of Rubin’s scale. I know this is the correct basal because I’m about stable when fasting. If a T1D uses 0.2IU/kg-day, Rubin’s low end, 0.05IU/5min corresponds to a body weight of 72kg and the range of 2.5 minute to 10 minute corresponds to 36kg(10min) to 144kg(2.5min) (multiply by 2.2 to get US pounds).

So I figured 5min is “typical”, I guess I really meant “median”. Also, I’m only talking about the dose when fasting. I suspect a lot of T1Ds use the basal to cover the glucose generated from protein and fat metabolism. I don’t and I have to bolus for protein and fat; if I snack on cheese without a bolus or on nuts with a bolus only for the carbs I go high.

John Bowler