Omnipod on legs for endurance runners?

I switched to the ominpod/dexcom systems 11/2015 and love them. Had minimed for years and those worked well for me for years. But being limited to a few abdomen sites due to tube and being skinny started causing scare tissue and absorption issues. Now that I’m on omnipod, I’m using back of triceps and no issues. But want to find other spots so I don’t create scare tissue issues there. Want to stay away from abdomen and only put CGM there. Thinking about legs, but I run marathons and ironman races and not sure if pounding legs for 3-4 hours would cause the pump to stop working. Ran 16 miles yesterday with no issues - so far so good.

Let me know if anyone has run long distances with omnipod on thighs.


Hi Steve - I would not classify myself as an endurance runner by any means, LOL, but I have run 5 or 6 miles with my Pod on calves and thighs with no issues at all.

Thanks, Mike. That’s good to know. If it worked during and after your 6 mile runs, it should be fine 18 more. :slight_smile:

I think I’ll try the thigh first since the calf (and pump) will feel a little more pounding than the thigh. Unfortunately, I’m don’t land as lightly on my feet as other good runners do. Were you able to find a good spot on the thigh that didn’t rub to closely to the thigh muscle? I was going to try a little towards the inside of the thigh where I have some skin w/o muscle being up against it. I’ll stay close to the top of my leg and not go too far inside.


I’m not using the omnipod, but it’s a good idea to remember to keep a close eye on your BG the first few times you have the pod on your leg. Insulin absorption/speed may be significantly faster if you’re infusing closer to a muscle that is being utilized (like infusing into the thigh if you’re a long-distance runner or injecting into your arm and then doing a strength training workout that focuses on your upper half). This may increase your risk for lows.

I use inset sites for my pump, and I can get a solid 9 site changes out of each thigh (I do lateral thigh, front, and then slightly inner but not enough so that I constantly rub it when walking, and I can get 3 vertical changes down each section).

Ok. I’ll be sure to do that after I use my thigh. I haven’t had any serious problems when lifting weights with it in my tricep. But now that you mention it, seems like I’ve had lows after lifting (especially when taking a bolus during weight training before a meal). Thanks for the tip.