I've been diabetic for 30ys, and I am using pens. I was thinking about insulin pump. With one is better? I've been reading good and bad things about both. Any one has any suggestions.
Thank you
I've been diabetic for 30ys, and I am using pens. I was thinking about insulin pump. With one is better? I've been reading good and bad things about both. Any one has any suggestions.
Thank you
I Have used the medtronic and its a great pump you can't go wrong with MM, I am currently on Omnipod and I just hate it I have been using Omni for 3yrs and It's a hassle with pod failures, and the highs you get after placing a new pod. Can't wait till next year so I can get an Animas ping, I like that you can bolus thru the wireless remote, so you dont have to take your pump out from where your hiding it lol. Animas was my 1st pump and I loved it went with MM because of the cgm but I thought it was a bit bigger and the cgm was very painful and not very accurate. Good luck choosing your new pump :)
Once the Animas comes out with the CGM I have heard it will no longer support the remote bolusing option. I have a MM and I love it. I did have the CGM as well but has a few sensors in a row that bled alot and failed (i had been on the CGM for almost two years without major issue and it worked well for me)so I tried the on the advice of my CDE and I love it. I can’t wait until the new Enlite sensor comes out. I do miss the integration immensely. Every person will have their own pumps that are better for them. My advice is to talk to the reps and get each pump in your hand before you make a decision.
I was diagnosed 25 years ago and was on injections until this year. I'm on OmniPod and also use a Dexcom cgm. I absolutely love both and would not give up either. I think the best pump is the one that you are most comfortable with so I would talk to all the reps and ask to try each one out.
For me, the tubing and insertion sets on the tubed pumps are intimidating. I started with the Dexcom cgm first and got used to wearing that and tracking my trends. Then I went on the OmniPod. I find the OmniPod feels just like the Dexcom and I forget where I've placed it.
I like that I don't have to deal with tubing when I'm sleeping and I like that I don't have to disconnect or remove anything when I'm showering or bathing. I like that the PDM is also the test meter and I can carry it in my purse and not on my body. If someone doesn't know me, they would look at me and see no evidence of anything related to diabetes. :)
I have not had any problems yet with pod failures. I think sometimes that people assume that the pod isn't working correctly if they have unexplained highs but I think some of this is due to sites that don't absorb insulin as well (people with tubed pumps run into this also) and some of it is normal diabetes changes in insulin needs that lead to basal/bolus changes. I also think some of the "failures" are due to operator error - I have talked to those who will say that when they were more careful in their technique of filling the pods so there is no air in the syringe, their problems lessened.
Do check out all your options and decide what's most comfortable for you. There is no right or wrong answer. Good luck!
OmniPod was my option, but it only holds 200u, so I would have to change pods everyday. I am not sure if I want to go for tubing, but I guess that's my only option.
Be aware though dgv, your insulin needs decrease when on the pump. You can’t just take TDD on MDI and think that it will match your TDD on the pump. Not sure if that 20-30% will make a difference in your case, but it may be worth getting a couple samples from endo and trying them out.
I have been on omnipod for 3 weeks, and I love it. I introduced it to my coworkers dad, he has been on MM for 15 years or so, and he said the omnipod decreased his insulin dramatically. This was due however to the multiple places that you can put the omnipod vs. the more limited places a pump can go realistically. I think his abdomen is scar tissued up, he put the pod on his arm and he said it made a world of difference. If you go with the tubed pump, just try to rotate sites as best as you can to avoid this. Maybe even get longer tubes so you can put the occasional site on your arm or leg. The thought of all that tubing though is why I went with omnipod.
One thing I read, and it’s one thing we often forget about, the pump is a 4 year commitment maximum. It’s not a lifetime choice. Pick one based on what you want the most, and then switch later on when you are able to. Don’t feel your making a decision you have to stick with forever.
I do 100 of Levemir and about 60 of Humolog. When I had my pump intro class, I was told that OmniPod will only last me one day.
Hi dgv ~
I would urge you to look at the Animas. I liked it better than the MiniMed, just because of the remote bolus feature, the colour screen and the monitoring software. I have also been very happy with Animas customer service. The Animas came highly recommended from two users.
I know there is conflicting opinions on everything, and I also believe the MiniMed is an excellent pump. I was not impressed with the customer service from MiniMed, as I felt they were rather pushy. For me, the Omnipod was not an option, because with the type of work that i do, it would be very vulnerable to be knocked off. I have had no problems with the tubing, only one kinked infusion set, and it didn't freeze up this past winter.
Whatever you choose, remember that you are entering into a long-term agreement, if your insurance company is involved. I hope you are happy with whatever you choose. I couldn't be happier with the Animas; it has been life-changing. Please keep us posted as to your choice.
Be well,
Brian Wittman
What I found was that my bolus amount didn’t change much, but I use quite a bit less, percentage based, basal from my pump than I did long acting insulin. Again, if you are using 160 TDD, I doubt that it will make up enough difference to stretch a pod out for two days, but you never know. Even still, it probably wouldn’t be worth worrying running out if you were able to stretch it to two days.
I guess since you pretty much have nixed the omnipod, I will say I absolute love the fact that I can bolus from the PDM (remote) on the omnipod. If I ever went to a tubed pump the remote feature would be a huge thing for me.
Also, if the two in one feature for the MM is great, but I am very active and like to workout. If I was going to do a high intense active workout, I would want to put the pump in a spibelt or somewhere where it will stay put and be protected. In that case, having my CGM on the pump itself would actually be hassle for me, because if I wanted to check it, I would have to dig, pull the thing out, then look at it. I think I would like having mine separate in those cases, so I can look at one while the other is hiding. But again, this is just me speculating, as I am lucky enough that the pods work for me. I guess just ask yourself how you will carry your pump, and if mind pulling it out to bolus and/or look at your CGM. If your work/activities don’t restrict that, then MM would be great. If you’d rather keep pump totally hidden and remote, Ping/Dexcom would have the edge. Hope all that makes as much sense on paper as it did in my head!
Given your TDD, I'd go with the Minimed (the one that holds 300 units of insulin at a time). It has the largest reservoir and would enable you to go three days without refilling. I have a Minimed Revel and LOVE it. It's a very reliable pump and medtronic has been great. The screen is a bit old school compared to the Ping and that's probably my only complaint. I have put my Revel through quite a bit, and it keeps on ticking.
I wear my MM tubed pump in many places where people put the pod, including my arms. I love using my arms.
My line of thinking is the same as yours Benjamin. If I couldn't use the OmniPod I would go Ping/Dexcom for the same reasons. Having the remote feature would be key to me. And I like to keep my Dexcom receiver on my desk at work so I can just glance at it if I start feeling "off". But that's just me.
Other options, but I don't know how support is in the USA and if it's available today, you can check Roche Combo: 300U reservoir and a remote control (if you like it).
Series 7 medtronic is your probable best fit
I've been diabetic for 27 years, was using pens and syringes, and just switched to a pump for the first time two months ago. The most striking thing - I don't miss taking shots, I don't miss all the needles and caps, I don't miss all the tiny little drops of blood on my shirt from injections, and I don't miss trying to discreetly or comfortably take an insulin injection in public. (Especially if the injection was to be, say, in my thigh.)
I never wanted a tubed pump and didn't want to feel like I had something connected to me 24/7, especially when sleeping. I chose the OmniPod because it's comfortable, small, can be worn many places, discreet, and water proof. I've yet to have my next A1C test, but I already know my sugar levels have been more stable, with smaller swings. The biggest advantage of a pump over MDI is the ability to take doses measured to 1/5 of a unit.
So far I'm loving it. I might wish I'd switched earlier.
I'm in a similar situation, dgv76. I'm diabetic 38 years and contemplating a pump. I went to an info session about the 3 main pumps. I was leaning towards the Omnipod, but now Animas is my #1 choice.
I'm curious. Which 3 pumps did you look at? And, why Animas?
Omnipod, Animas Ping and the Medtronic.
The Medtronic doesn't seem to have the best options as the other 2.