Leaving Medtronic

Hi All,

I've been pumping for 11 years and other than a two-year stint with Deltec, I've had a Minimed pump for most of that time. I'm done. For a variety of reasons. SO, I'm trying to decide between Animas and Omnipod for my next pump. I'm also switching to the Dexcom for CGMS. Anybody out there have an opinion on what they like better? I mostly am interested in who you think is going to get to an integrated system faster and in Omnipod's new lower-profile version. Tube or no tube is not an issue for me. Any comments are appreciated!

I also jumped ship from Medtronic after 12 years. . .thank God!

I went with Animus (the OneTouch Ping) and I really believe that company is everything Medtronic should be. I love my Ping, and since tubing doesn't bother me, I'd definitely recommend it.

(I don't use the Omnipod because I dislike how much it sticks out from the body, but I don't know enough about it or the company to say if it's a good or bad idea.)

I had a mini med for a while, but then moved to the Accu-Chek Spirit system. I am changing this year as well. I do have the Dexcom which is awesome. You may want to hold off if you are wanting an integrated Dexcom system. I say this because Dexcom has signed multiple contracts with several pump companies. One touch Ping, Omni Pod, Tandem (T:slim) and others that are coming out to the market. I have my eye on the One touch ping system which has the dexcom integration already in europe. The system is called One Touch Vibe. The other system is the Tandem or T:slim system that comes out this June. It is not integrated yet but it is under contract and further along then the Omnipod last time I checked. the T:Slim is also thinner then most, if not all the, pumps in the market. It also holds 3ml of insulin, while most other pumps are 2-2.5ml's, and it also has a touch screen color menu with the lure lock system to connect your infusion sets.

I almost got the Omnipod, but the idea of throwing away insulin if something goes wrong didn't sound good to me.

I've been using MiniMed pumps for the 12 years, but I think I've finally gotten fed up with the Medtronic technology. After using the Medtronic Real Time system with my 722 off and on for the last year I'm currently demoing the Dexcom Seven Plus - and LOVE it. I'm also going to ask my doc to try the Animas Ping as well now that my Medtronic pump is out of warranty.

Painless insertion of the sensor, an actual warranty for the transmitter (I've have a Medtronic transmitter die after the 90 day warranty and had to pay out of pocket for a new one), and the Dexcom is more accurate then the Medtronic was with my BG changes. I just needed a more accurate CGM to be more comfortable at work and overnight.

Thanks all for your responses. I've sent in my paperwork for the Dexcom and am looking forward to it arriving. If I had to choose on a new pump today, I'd choose the Animas. They have an integrated pump out in the UK (the Vibe) and I'm hoping that it will make it to the US soon. I'm going to wait until my warranty is up in September before making a final decision though. Who knows, maybe the Tandem t:slim will be out by then!! (yeah, right ;)

I'm in the same boat- MM pumper for 12 years, but I want to try something new. I tried a dex and omnipod during a clinical trial, so that's what I'm going to try first. I got my dex last week- love it. WAY less fussing than the MM cgms.

I talked to the dexcom rep and she said that, currently, she thinks the order of FDA approval for integrated systems will be Animas, t:slim, then omnipod. Mostly because the animas already is approved in europe and the tandem folks are pretty agressive in getting their product integrated.
Hope that helps!

I gave up on MiniMed 6yrs ago for Animas, & hadnt regretted it. Tech support doesnt treat me like an idiot the few times Ive had problems (& they were user error!), Have not had to repeatedly replace my pump due to malfunction, & none of the insurance problems I had with MM. I have heard good things about the OmniPod company from users, but I just didnt like the setup for it.