I’ll have to try that. When I spoke to the rep, he couldn’t tell me when the newer pods would be out, but that they are 40% smaller than the pods now. I’ve been wearing the demo pod for two days now, and forget that it’s there most of the time. I’ve been sick, so I’ve been laying around the house mostly, but I’m curious as to what it looks like under normal clothing. I usually don’t wear baggy clothes, so I’m sure it’ll be visible. I’ve gotten over that though since I started wearing my CGM. Many times you can see a small bump under my shirt from that. That was hard for me at first, but I don’t really care about it now. If my A1C will be improved, I could care less what others see.
i was on the omni pod for a while and was really disaponted with it. The alarms would go off for no reason. The screen would crack and they would have to replace it. After the 3rd time it cracked they told me if something happens we have to pay for it. With that i went to the animas, My sugestion would to be to get the ping instead. The no tubeing part from the omni pod is noce but not only my parents but me to were disaponted
The Ping is my back-up plan. I got in on an OmniPod promotion where I purchased the system out of pocket. If I decide after a few months that I don’t care for it I will certainly try Animas’ Ping. I was quite convinced to go with them first and then saw all the positive responses from the group here. After 3 days, I’m not sure I can clearly give you an opinion but, so far, I’ve had no alarms. Good luck with your Ping!
Glad to hear that you’ve not run into any major issues so far. Can’t wait to hear what your opinion is after having it for a while!
Hi Tiffany, thought I would give you my two cents- I work in a busy, urban ED as a research coordinator so I have a little experience with running around in patient rooms. I have never had my omnipod alarm the long constant annoying alarm in a patients room in the 3 years I have been wearing it. I have had it beep reminders, etc. but I also wear a pager and I just ignore it like I do the pager when it is making noise lol. I used to wear a minimed and one of the things I hated was that patients could see it in my pocket, etc. and would always say “whats that?” or “wow you have two pagers”. The omnipod is more discrete which is nice because I dont want to share my medical history with every patient/doctor/nurse/tech I work. I worked with one dr. every day for 6 months before one day she asked me why I had three phones (phone, dex, omnipod) - I laughed and told her what they were and she was so surprised because her best friend is a type 1 on a mm and she always thought she was down with the diabetes technology. I would say try it out- you can keep the pdm in your scrubs pocket for the first few weeks and see how it goes. I keep replacement pods in my locker just incase but have only had to replace at work maybe 10 times in three years. All in all I love my dex and omnipod and havent really had any issues with them. Good luck!
Thanks for sharing your experience! I thought about having to explain about the pump (if that’s the route I would have went) when people ask, which I know they would. No matter what pump people use, people are going to ask questions. I guess there’s no way around it. I’m happy to read that people have not had horrible experiences with the alarms inturrupting their work. I’m really excited to get mine. It’s been a week and a half, and I would have thought I would have heard somthing by now. Hopfully I’ll love mine as much as everyone else!
The red tape with our insurance took about 2 weeks (medical review and authorization), but I did hear from insulet with progress updates before that. You might want to give them a call and see what’s shaking.
I’ll try calling them again tomorrow. The process for my Dex was so fast, that I really expected the same with this.