You’ll get yours started about 6 hours before me. Mine is at 4 on Tuesday. Good luck. Let me know how it goes.
I had my training last friday and wore it for the weekend with saline. Then, yesterday, I went back and got to wear it with insulin. BEST FEELING EVER!!! I’ve only been using it 2 days… and it’s already chaning my life! things are so much safer and easier! i wasn’t anticipating that it would work THIS well… but it does!!! i hope your’s goes as well as it has for me. if it were possible… i would want everybody to experience the omnipod. it is truly a miraculous invention!
Thankfully I am already using a pump so I should be able to go straight to insulin with no break in pump therapy. I’m glad you are happy with it. I can’t wait!!!
My omnipod is in the mail!! I’m so excited I can’t wait to get started. Just have to finish up with finals and fly home first!
Congrats and good luck on finals and flying!!! Oh, and the Omnipod too!!! LOL
WOW!! what a visit… First i had my training on my pod today, I go to my endo and my endo enters the room and says hi kevin and sees my starter packet and says" I hope you wasn’t expected to get trained today??" I guess she didnt have a couple hours to train… I said omnipod told me that you were a qualified trainer and i made an appointment to be trained by you today… So she got pissed at the receptionist and went to talk to them…Luckly me endo is the best doctor ever and cancled all of her appointments and went on with my training. So long story yet i am a pod user and this thing is awsome…
I for the first time ate in public and gave my self a bolus with out disappearing and running to the restrooms… freedom is now starting…
Wow- do you go to Vanderbilt? Same thing happened to me. “I didn’t know you were coming”. Did she think I just showed up out of the blue?
She talked me into hanging around for “a few minutes, and we’ll get you seen”. I walked out after 30 minutes, and called the company- who sent someone out to me.
I love this thing! I don’t get those disgusted looks when we eat out- and I don’t have to go into some germ laden restroom to test/inject. I forget where it is sometimes!
You just make me more excited!!! My trainer is supposed to be here any time and I can’t wait!!! I’ll be back later to share my experience with everybody. Soon I hope!!
My pod just came today!! Did you guys have to go thru the 2 saline pods first too? My CDE/endo require it…my insulin start date is 12/30…
No mandie i got started with insulin, but i have a temp basal untill 9pm because i took my lantus last night.
I was already on a MM pump so I went straight to insulin. Just swapped from one pump to the other with no interruptions.
YEAH!!! I LOVE IT!!! I am officially podding and I absolutely love it so far. It is soooooo much easier than my MM ever was. I will have to retrain my brain on the PDM just because it is different but I LOVE IT!!!
I had pumped before- a few years ago- so I went straight to insulin. I love this thing!
YAY Glad you are loving it so much! My doctor’s office called to say my omnipod had made it to their office and my appointment for training is on Friday at 8am. I’m so excited to get started and my MM pump died this monday the first day of exams!! shesh!
Good luck and I hope you love it as much as I do. My first day was kind of tough. I don’t think it was the pod though. Just some whacko BGs for some unknown reason. They are better now, thank goodness.