One Touch Ping Cost

I’m starting on a pump late June (after I go to summer Camp!)

Would Anyone Mind sharing how much they paid out of pocket for the Ping Pump??

Thanks so much!
any tips anyone??

That will depend entirely upon your insurance company and the benefits you have. It can vary widely even with the same company as different businesses have different policies and benefits.

My copay was about $1,000 for the pump and first 3 months of supplies. My insurance covers 85% of the contracted rate and I’m responsible for the other 15%. No cap on DME for me. This was a year ago.

Just call your insurance company and ask. That is the only way to find out. At the same time, ask for a copy of their criteria or where it may be located online if you don’t have that yet.
Every insurance contract varies somewhat. Usually it ranges from 10% to 50% out of pocket. Then you need to ask how they pay for the pump supplies. Total cost? Portion? A cap on how many infusion sets per month?
Do you know that your insurance company supports insulin pump purchases?
Sounds like you must have some knowledge about it if you know you are starting in late June.
Good luck with it… Keep us posted as to what happens with it.

I agree with others that it depends on insurance. I didn’t bother contacting my insurance initially but just the Animas rep as they will walk through it all for you, from contacting your insurance company to contacting your doctor.

Just one financial tip: If you are low income you may qualify for Animas to waive your share of the cost. Talk to your rep if you think you may qualify.

As far as (non-financial) tips: Order Pumping Insulin by John Walsh - it is my bible for my new pump, although you also will need to read the manual for the Ping as each pump is unique, but he is great for general pumping information.